2-2 Participation Criteria

First-Class Mail (cards, letters, and flats), Periodicals (letters and flats), and USPS Marketing Mail (letters, and flats) meeting eligibility requirements for automation or carrier route prices (except for USPS Marketing Mail Enhanced Carrier Route saturation flats), and Bound Printed Matter (BPM) presorted or carrier route barcoded flats, are potentially eligible for Full-Service incentives.

To participate in Full-Service, a mailer must meet the following requirements:

  1. Ensure all containers, trays, sacks, and mailpieces have an appropriate unique barcode: IMcb, IMtb, or IMb.
    1. IMcb: http://postalpro.usps.com/node/859
    2. IMtb: http://postalpro.usps.com/node/863
    3. IMb: http://postalpro.usps.com/node/858
  2. Utilize pallets or approved alternate containers whenever a mailing is entered at the dock of a Postal Service processing facility and meets minimum container/pallet volume requirements under DMM 705.8: http://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/705.htm#1380958. Pallets must be prepared in accordance with the DMM preparation requirements or, for First-Class Mail, using a Customer Supplier Agreement (CSA). Additional information about palletization is available on the Full-Service Palletization Fact Sheet: http://postalpro.usps.com/node/650.
  3. Additional information about CSAs is available in the Guide to Customer Supplier Agreements: http://postalpro.usps.com/node/1133.

  4. Use an approved electronic method to transmit a postage statement and mailing documentation to the PostalOne! system:
    1. Submission of eDoc requires mailers to register on the Business Customer Gateway (BCG) and obtain a Customer Registration ID (CRID), used to identify the mailer in Postal Service systems.
      1. Instructions on registering for the BCG are available in the Guide to Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats Reporting: https://postalpro.usps.gov/MailAcceptanceReportingGuide.
      2. Instructions on obtaining a CRID can be found in the Quick Step Guide to MID and/or CRID Acquisition: https://postalpro.usps.com/node/1135.
    2. Mailers must transmit postage statements and documentation to the PostalOne! System using a Mail.dat file, Mail.XML messages, Postal Wizard (mailings under 10,000 pieces), or the Intelligent Mail for Small Business (IMsb) Tool.
    3. Additional information about preparing electronic documentation (eDoc) for Full-Service is available in the Mail.dat and Mail.XML Technical Specifications: http://postalpro.usps.com/node/1138.
    4. For new users it is suggested that electronic documentation be checked for accuracy by first uploading into the PostalOne! Test Environment for Mailers (TEM). Information about how to use TEM is available in the Intelligent Mail Guides Specs, found here: http://postalpro.usps.com/node/1138.
  5. Accurately include the following required information in the eDoc:
    1. Mailer ID (MID).
    2. Service Type ID (STID).
    3. By/For identification for Mail Owner and Mail Preparer.
    4. Unique barcode applied to each container, tray, sack, and mailpiece. Include relationship between each container (Nesting/Sortation) tray or sack, and mailpiece.
    5. Entry Facility.
    6. Copal identification and submission (if applicable).
  6. Schedule appointments through the Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST) system for any mailer shipments to origin and destination entry points at Postal Service processing facilities. FAST appointments are not required for mailer shipments to Postal Service delivery facilities.