3-2 Census Process Participation Criteria

The Census Process applies to mailers subject to the Move Update standard who do as follows:

  1. Submit any Full-Service volume during a calendar month.
  2. Use eDoc to submit mailing information.
  3. Mail First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail letter and flats.

The Move Update requirement applies to commercial mailers with First-Class Mail presorted or automation prices, Parcel Select Prices, and all USPS Marketing Mail. Mailers who present mixed mailings that pertain to at least one of these categories are still subjected to the Move Update standard. Other mailers not mentioned in the above categories are still advised to keep their mailing address list current, to reduce undeliverable mail and operational strain. Details on the Postal-approved methods to maintain address lists for Move Update compliance can be found in the Guide to Move Update: http://postalpro.usps.com/node/1116.

Periodicals are a special case. Although the Move Update standard stated in DMM 602.5: http://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/602.htm#1113059 does not specify Periodicals mail, DMM 507.1.5.2: http://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/507.htm#1223780 states that Address correction service is provided automatically for all Periodicals publications (including publications pending Periodicals authorization), and the applicable fee for address correction is charged for each separate notification of address correction or the reason for nondelivery provided, unless an exception applies. Although mailers who enter Periodicals are not subject to the Census Process, mailers are provided with address quality data via the Mailer Scorecard.

Full Service and Seamless Acceptance mailers and publishers that desire address correction information from undeliverable as addressed (UAA) mail are required to receive address correction notices electronically via ACS. Those mailers that apply the ancillary service endorsement “Address Service Requested‘‘ or ``Change Service Requested” to their mail, and Periodical publishers will receive ACS notices. Separate manual address corrections (PS Form 3547 or 3579) are not available for full service mail.

Under the Census Process, if mailpieces are undeliverable, they are intercepted automatically or identified by the delivery employee and directed either to the Postal Automation Redirection System (PARS), or to the Computerized Forwarding System (CFS). As the mailpieces go through PARS or CFS, change of address information is created when possible and transmitted to the mailers electronically upon request.