4-2 eInduction Participation Criteria

eInduction is available for qualifying shipments of Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) and Detached Mail Unit (DMU) verified business mail to Postal Service processing and delivery facilities. This includes mailer-transported shipments to origin and destination entry points, as well as Postal Service-transported shipments direct from a mailer’s facility. In this document, any reference to “drop shipment” refers to mailer shipments to either origin or destination entry facilities.

General provisions for preparing and entering eInduction containers will be forthcoming and is available in DMM 705.20 and Publication 804, Drop Shipment Procedures for Destination Entry. Publication 804 can be found here: http://about.usps.com/publications/pub804.pdf.

To participate in eInduction, mailers must meet the following requirements:

  1. Activate eDoc submitter CRID for eInduction:
    1. Call the FAST help desk at 1.877.569.6614, or e-mail the help desk at FAST@usps.gov, to begin the CRID activation process.
    2. For co-palletized and co-mingled mailings, all parties in the mailing must use an eDoc submitter CRID activated for eInduction.
  2. Prepare containers of commercial letters and flats:
    1. First-Class Mail cards, letters, flats; USPS Marketing Mail letters or flats; Periodicals letters or flats; or BPM flats or parcels. Mailing types not eligible for eInduction include Package Services (except BPM), Priority Express Mail, Priority Mail, Parcel Select, Media Mail, Library Mail, or Parcel Return Service.
    2. Handling units which are not included on a container [pallet, hamper, wire container, or all-purpose container (APC)] are not eligible.
    3. Identify all containers with two unique Intelligent Mail Container placards (on adjacent sides), which display the IMcb for that container.
  3. Submit electronic documentation for all eInduction containers using Mail.dat files, Mail.XML messages, or Postal Wizard:
    1. Include IMcb for each container. The IMcb must be unique for 45 days from the electronic postage statement mailing date.
    2. Identify container as participating in eInduction by:
      1. Using the eInduction indicator field.
      2. Including an approved eInduction continuous MID in the IMcb.
      3. Identifying the container as Postal Service Pickup.
    3. Identify an entry location for the container in eDoc. For containers that include pieces at destination-entry rates, the entry location must be valid per the Mail Direction File in effect on the planned date of entry at the destination facility.
  4. For all mailer shipments, schedule a FAST appointment for shipments to a Postal Service processing facility. More information on FAST can be found in the FAST Customer User Guides, located here: http://postalpro.usps.com/operations/FAST.