2. Address Management
The success of our automation program is dependent upon our ability to ensure that each mailpiece has a correct bar code. Our address management services provide that capability by maintaining current data on each delivery point served by the Postal Service and by regularly pro-viding that data to Postal Service facilities and customers.
a. Forwarding
The Postal Service uses the Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) to forward mail to the 17 percent of the nation’s population that moves each year. Over 3 billion pieces of forwarded mail and nearly 44 million change-of-address cards were processed in 2001. CFS sites are located in 220 postal facilities nationwide. Each CFS site presently consists of a centralized computer, mechanized terminals for processing letters, flat forwarding terminals for flats and magazines, and nonmechanized terminals for processing change-of-address cards and non-machinable mail. The CFS database provides the data for all address correction activities.
b. 100 Percent Database Quality
Address Management is making progress toward the goal of 100 percent Address Management Systems (AMS) database quality by pursuing an aggressive policy of ongoing quality reviews and by developing and implementating technological and procedural improvements to ensure better communication between Delivery and field AMS sites.
These steps have resulted in improvements to AMS database quality. AMS now provides more timely delivery point addressing information for use in all automated mail processing, bar coding and sorting operations. It also is the source of all address information products required by the commercial industry to prepare automation compatible mailings.
In 2000, the Postal Service initiated the National AMS Street Review Program, moving responsibility for AMS data quality measurements from the Areas to Headquarters and ensuring that the measurements are applied evenly across the nation. In 2001, the national team reviewed 2,120 individual carrier routes.
c. Address Quality Improvement
Improving address quality (AEC) reduces the amount of undeliverable-as-addressed mail and improves the effectiveness of automated mail-processing operations. The Postal Service makes available to mailers, products and services that assist them in attaining – and maintaining – 100 percent deliverable address lists. Mailers who utilize the resources detailed below are able to produce more deliverable mailpieces and gain access to worksharing discounts.
1. Address Element Correction
The Address Element Correction service was designed to correct addresses that could not be matched to the Postal Service’s national ZIP+4 file using Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) certified address-matching software. AEC corrects deficient addresses and identifies those that do not exist. Already, millions of addresses in mailers' files have been examined and corrected, leading to improved customer satisfaction.
AEC uses a variety of computer logic resolution processes to correct as many addresses as possible. And, it produces a diagnostic report about the mailer's list management practices. Current electronic success rates average 35 to 50 percent of the previously unmatched addresses. More than 19 million addresses were processed in 2001 with 6 million addresses corrected.
2. Barcode Certification
To ensure the accuracy of bar codes applied by mailers, the Postal Service evaluates the ability of customers' hardware and software to produce properly constructed bar codes that meet Postal Service automation requirements. In 2001, eight printers were certified as producing bar codes that meet the required physical characteristics.
3. Coding Accuracy Support System
Coding Accuracy Support System improves the accuracy of the carrier route, five-digit ZIP, ZIP+4 and delivery point codes that appear on mailpieces. The program is a quality control measure that ensures that software vendors provide accurate, updated information and software to customers who purchase this information to process their mailing lists. CASS is available to all mailers, service bureaus and software vendors who want to evaluate their address-matching software and improve the quality of their ZIP+4, carrier route. and five-digit coding accuracy. The Postal Service's National Customer Support Center (NCSC) grades this process and the results are returned to mailers to provide useful diagnostics for correcting deficiencies. CASS enables the Postal Service to evaluate the accuracy of address-matching software programs in three areas: (a) ZIP+4 delivery point coding, (b) carrier route coding and (c) five-digit coding. CASS allows vendors/mailers the opportunity to test their address-matching software packages and, after achieving a minimum percentage of accuracy, be certified by the Postal Service.
4. Correct Address Notification
Responding to requests from the mailing industry and the need for consumers to use complete and correct addresses, the Postal Service developed a system of customer address notification. The notification effort seeks to influence the public to use all the elements of a complete and correct address. Notification mailpieces were delivered to approximately 201,000 customers.
5. Customer Notification Letter
The Customer Notification Letter is a notification to postal customers who have submitted change-of-address (COA) orders (PS Form 3575). The notifications include details of the COA order, providing customers an opportunity to verify the COA information on file with the Postal Service. Customers are instructed to contact the Post Office serving their old address if any of the COA information is not correct. The telephone numbers for both the old and new Post Offices are provided. The notifications also include a question and answer section advising customers what to do if they are not receiving mail at their new address. There is also information on how customers may notify others of their new address, and a reminder to register or reregister to vote. In 2001, approximately 35 million customer notifications were mailed.
6. Delivery Sequence File
The Delivery Sequence File is a comprehensive licensed address data system that expands the level of information beyond the ZIP+4 code. The system contains a complete address register with carrier delivery sequence information. Mailers who match their address records to DSF can validate the existence of the address and identify deficient elements. Consistent with other address quality systems, DSF standardizes the addresses submitted by mailers to ensure automation compatibility. Mailers in 2001 matched more than 75 billion addresses, a 200 percent increase from 2000.
7. Locatable Address Conversion System
The Locatable Address Conversion System (LACS) process enables business mailers to electronically update their rural-style addresses with new, locatable city-style addresses in areas that are experiencing 911 emergency response address conversions. There are currently 5 million converted addresses in the LACS file. Improved address quality increases mailer access to work-sharing discounts and improves deliverability. The Postal Service licensed 13 firms to assist mailers in updating their address records or to perform the matching service for business mailers.
8. Move Validation Letter
In April 1996, the Postal Service implemented a process to circumvent the fraudulent submission of COA orders. The solution, a Move Validation Letter (MVL), is a notification that is mailed to postal customers at their old address alerting them that a request has been made to forward mail from the old address. If a potentially fraudulent situation exists, the customer is instructed to contact their local Post Office for assistance. The telephone number of the local Post Office is provided. These notifications are generated for COAs entered into the Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) database on a daily basis. They are mailed within 24 hours of receipt by the National Customer Support Center (NCSC) in Memphis, TN. In 2001, more than 34 million notifications were mailed.
9. Multiline Accuracy Support System
The Multiline Accuracy Support System (MASS) is an extension of the CASS, which is a process designed in cooperation with the mailing industry to improve the accuracy of postal codes that appear on mail. Whereas CASS focuses on the processing of addresses stored electronically in computer data files, MASS tests the quality of address matching occurring on MLOCR equipment and direct-view encoding stations. These systems have to lift an address image directly from a mailpiece to accomplish processing. MASS allows vendors/mailers the opportunity to test their machines and, after achieving a minimum percentage of accuracy, be certified by the
Postal Service.
10. Presort Accuracy, Validation Evaluation
The Presort Accuracy, Validation Evaluation (PAVE) program is a process designed in cooperation with the mailing industry to evaluate presort software and determine its accuracy in sorting address files according to Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) standards. PAVE is available only to software and hardware developers - companies that develop presort software or manufacture presorting equipment for resale or internal use. Participation in the program is purely voluntary. Although this program evaluates and validates presort products manufactured by the developers, PAVE does not guarantee acceptance of mail prepared using PAVE-certified hardware and/or software; however, it does provide national approval of computer-generated facsimiles of Postal Service postage statements, standardized documentation and other presort documentation.
11. Rapid Information Bulletin Board System
Rapid Information Bulletin Board System (RIBBS) was introduced to provide members of the mailing industry with rapid access to postal information. The information in RIBBS includes Customer Support Rulings, Federal Register notices, weather and natural disaster condition reports, DMM labeling lists, certified vendor information, office locator services, reports and data for ADVANCE participants and minutes of the Mailers' Technical Advisory Committee meetings.
12. Delivery Confirmation Certification
Delivery Confirmation, a recently implemented program for Priority Mail and Standard Mail, provides a method for customers to verify the delivery status of packages. Customers choosing the electronic file option are required to participate in a certification process to ensure the accuracy and quality of customer-generated data that is entered into the Delivery Confirmation System. The Postal Service certifies the customer's ability to accurately format and populate mailpiece information in the required fields of the Delivery Confirmation electronic file and to accurately transmit that file to the Postal Service's host computer. Bar coded labels, used to capture delivery data, are physically examined and scanned for readability and compliance with the Delivery Confirmation requirements. In 2001, 842 customers successfully completed electronic file and bar coded label certification.
13. Electronic Address Sequencing
Centralized electronic address sequencing service eliminates field work hours in the handling of manual address sequence cards and improves the consistency of the service provided. With average processing times of seven days, the electronic service assists walk sequence mailers in updating their address lists in a much more efficient and time saving fashion. 19.6 million addresses were validated and sequenced, with an estimated 18,000 work hours saved, in a two and one half month period.
d. The Mover’s Guide
The Mover's Guide is an all-in-one guide to moving, designed to improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs. The booklet provides Postal Service change-of-address forms, mail-forwarding information, moving-related commercial advertising, advertiser discount coupons and tips on moving. Consumer reaction continues to be positive. Customers are provided with a greater understanding of the activities associated with forwarding mail. The Mover's Guide, a result of a strategic alliance with a private company, is designed, printed and produced at no cost to the Postal Service or its customers. A strategic alliance with the company to continue the distribution of both the English and Spanish versions of The Mover's Guide has been extended to year 2002.
e. MoversNet Website
An enhanced version of the MoversNet Website, MoversGuide.com, was launched September 2001. The enhanced version offers an additional customer choice to file a change-of-address, allowing change-of-address orders to be accepted electronically via the Internet, with valid identity validation. This enhanced change-of-address method does not change or affect any of the other currently acceptable change-of-address methods. In addition to the ability to submit change-of-address orders electronically over the Internet, the enhanced web-site also offers customers a variety of value-added move-related products and services, such as setting up utility hookups and cable connections, establishing long-distance service, ordering packing supplies, and other move-related products and services.
f. The Welcome Kit
The Welcome Kit is a new value-added program for customers who have recently moved. It is designed to reduce Postal Service costs and improve service. The Welcome Kit contains the following: the customer's address change Confirmation Notification Letter; local phone numbers and addresses for the customer's new area; a Settling-In Guide, with helpful information and advice on getting settled; savings on products and services customers typically need after moving; and information on how customers can notify the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the IRS and voter registration offices of their new address.
g. Move Update Implementation
The Move Update requirement of Classification Reform, which became effective July 1, 1997, was established to reduce the estimated$1.9 billion annual expense and negative service standard impacts that undeliverable-as-addressed mail creates. The requirement specifies that addresses used to obtain all First-Class presorted and automation discount rates must be updated for move activity within 180 days (six months) prior to the date of mailing by a Postal Service-approved method. Address Management has direct responsibility for all approved methods with the exception of the manual address correction process, which is mailpiece endorsement based. The Address Management methods include the following:
1. National Change-of-Address
The National Change-of-Address process provides business mailers with change-of-address information for customers on their mailing lists prior to mailing, thus ensuring that subsequent communications are directed to the current address. This process reduces the amount of undeliverable mail and promotes the use of automation-compatible address formats by ensuring that all addresses submitted are standardized with complete and accurate information, including ZIP+4 codes. More than 8.5 billion address corrections were provided to business mailers through the NCOA service during 2001, an increase of 52 percent from 2000.
2. Address Change Service
The Address Change Service (ACS) offers mailers automated address-correction service following the issuance of their mailings. Address correction notifications are generated from change-of-address orders (PS Form 3575) submitted to the Postal Service by customers who move. This change-of-address data is maintained in the CFS database. In order to participate in ACS, mailers are required to modify the address label or address block of each mailpiece for which an electronic ACS notification is requested. They are also required to utilize an ACS compatible ancillary service endorsement. ACS electronic notifications are provided at a fee of 20 cents per notification. However, participation in ACS does not eliminate the provision of manual address correction notifications (hardcopies), which are provided at the manual address correction fee of 60 cents each. By rapidly updating their address lists, mailers improve the deliverability of their mail. In 2001, the number of corrections processed through ACS was 191 million.
3. FASTforwardSM
In 1997, Address Management deployed to the mailing industry, under Postal Service license, cutting-edge technology that provides an effective means for mailers to update addresses on mailpieces processed on MLOCRs. This technology, known as FASTforward, will direct mailpieces to the customer's new mailing address when a change-of-address order has been filed with the Postal Service. FASTforward provides a fast, accurate, safe and secure method for users of MLOCRs to apply new address information and the correct bar code for the new address as the mailpieces are being processed. In 2001, more than 3.3 billion mailpieces were processed and over 41 million corrections provided, an increase of 6 percent over 2000. Concurrent with the MLOCR effort, Address Management also provides a second version of FASTforward technology for Mailing List Correction (MLC). This version of FASTforward provides correction to computerized address files when a change-of-address is identified for a customer's address record. In 2001, more than 18.9 billion address records were processed and over 318 million corrections were provided to business mailers using FASTforward for MLC, representing a 45 percent increase over 2000.
4. Alternate Qualification Method
A Postal Service stand-alone testing process, based on FASTforward technology, allows mailers to demonstrate that they have their own process in place to update address changes on mailing lists with 99 percent accuracy. If the Postal Service verifies this, the mailers' lists are then qualified for a period of 12 months.
h. Electronic Publication Watch System (ePUBWATCH)
The Electronic Publication Watch System, commonly referred to as ePubwatch, is a web-based periodicals complaint tracking and resolution system which allows a registered publisher to enter a subscriber's postal related complaint, request an electronic publication watch, or request the assistance of a Periodical Service Improvement team member through the completion of a Systemic Complaint Resolution form. ePubwatch was designed to replace the existing paper-based Publication Watch system in those delivery offices which have a delivery unit computer.
Development and testing of the Publisher's web page, the Delivery Unit's Data Entry web page, and the ePubwatch Reports web page have been completed. All the necessary hardware has been purchased and installed to support a web-based system. National deployment is expected to begin in February 2002.
i. The Collection Box Management System
The Collection Box Management System (CBMS) provides a monitoring tool for delivery unit management to ensure adherence to our collection box schedules and policies. The system consists of a data collection device that scans a bar code located inside a collection box to collect time, location and date information. The information collected by the scanner is then placed in a data transfer device at the delivery unit for downloading into the Delivery Unit Computer. The data is then loaded into the CBMS software program, which allows management to quickly ascertain the status of each collection. A small percentage of delivery units still utilize the wand/button technology to manage collections.
j. ADVANCE Notification and Tracking System (ADVANCE)
The ADVANCE Notification and Tracking System, commonly referred to as ADVANCE, is designed as a manual delivery confirmation system to meet the time-sensitive mailing needs of Standard and Periodical mailers. ADVANCE tracks the delivery performance of qualified Standard mailings and Periodical mailings in over 7,000 delivery units and in over 11,000 five-digit ZIP Codes. In fiscal year 2001, over 4.5 billion mail pieces were tracked using ADVANCE.