Chapter IV      Preliminary 2003 Annual Performance Plan go to the 2001 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations front page go to the table of contents go to the previous page go to the next page
A. Introduction  

    4. Transformation Vision
The Postal Service Five–Year Strategic Plan, 2001–2005, outlined a record of significant improvements for the Postal Service. However, the plan indicated that continuous incremental improvements in performance would not be sufficient to maintain the capability of the Postal Service to continue to achieve its universal service mission.

The General Accounting Office (GAO) concurred and placed the Postal Service on its “High Risk” list. The GAO focused on the need for structural transformation, and Congress directed the Postal Service to develop a Comprehensive Transformation Plan.6

The Postal Service established a cross-functional Transformation Planning Team to conduct an analysis of the issues facing the Postal Service and to describe potential solutions. The team was responsible for coordinating a significant effort to discuss the options with the multiple stakeholders of the Postal Service – major customers, the mailing industry, postal suppliers, employees and the public. The report to Congress is due April 4, 2002, and the subsequent policy discussion is expected to impact and perhaps change some of the goals, indicators and targets currently in this preliminary plan.

Greetings from Washington

6 The Postal Service published an Outline for Discussion: Concepts for Postal Transformation on September 20, 2001 to support public discussion.

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