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The Strategic Transformation Plan 2006–2010 fulfills the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), and includes:


The Strategic Transformation Plan 2006–2010 describes the mission as providing universal service. This mandate results from the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970. Congress assigned the Postal Service the mission of "binding the nation together through the personal, educational, literary, and business correspondence of the people...the Postal Service shall provide prompt, reliable, and efficient service in all areas and shall render postal service to all communities at fair and equitable rates."1


The Plan describes a vision of a continuous business-like transformation. Working with the mailing industry, the Postal Service will execute bold strategies that will improve the value of mail and mail-related products and services. The Postal Service of the future will be a financially stable enterprise that enables its employees to provide convenient, easy to use, timely, reliable, and accurate service that responds to the needs of businesses and consumers, as both senders and receivers of mail.

The Plan describes the management challenges to sustaining the mission of providing universal service, and outlines the strategies that will be implemented to achieve the goals that support the mission.


This appendix addresses additional GPRA requirements:

The appendix follows the same outline as the Strategic Transformation Plan, focusing separately on each strategic goal: Generate Revenue, Reduce Costs, Achieve Results with a Customer-Focused, Performance-Based Culture, and Improve Service.

The Postal Service employs a disciplined four-step management process based on criteria used in the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Assessment program:

1Postal Reorganization Act [Title 39, U.S. Code, 101 (a, d), August 12, 1970].