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A copy of the Postal Service's notice published April 18, 2005, in the Federal Register is shown below.


Request for Comments on the Strategic Transformation Plan 2006–2010

Agency: Postal Service.

Action: Request for comments.

Summary: This Notice addresses the Postal Service's Strategic Transformation Plan 2006–2010.

By law, beginning in 1997, the Postal Service™ is required to publish a five-year plan outlining its goals, targets, and strategies, and to update and revise its five-year plan at intervals of no less than 3 years. In support of its strategic planning process, the law requires the Postal Service to solicit and consider the ideas, knowledge, and opinions of those potentially affected by or interested in its Five-Year Strategic Plan.

In addition, at the request of Congress, in 2002 the Postal Service prepared a comprehensive plan for the structural transformation of the postal system to meet the challenges of serving the American public. This first Transformation Plan covered the years 2002–2006. A major component of the next Five-Year Strategic Plan, covering 2006–2010, will be the extension of the Postal Service's Transformation Plan through the same period. This notice asks for public comment concerning the development and drafting of the Postal Service's combined document, the Strategic Transformation Plan 2006–2010.

Dates: Comments must be received by May 15, 2005.

Addresses: Those responding are requested to email their comments to Those wishing to send written comments should mail them to USPS Office of Strategic Planning, Stakeholder Feedback, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 5142, Washington, DC 20260-5142. All stakeholders are encouraged to view the Postal Service's Web page dedicated to soliciting comments on its Strategic Transformation Plan 2006–2010 located at Stakeholders are requested to review the content of this Web site before submitting comments.

For Further Information Contact: George R. Bagay (202) 268-4159.


Five-Year Strategic Plan Statutory Background

The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), Public Law 103-62, was enacted to make Federal programs more effective and publicly accountable by requiring agencies to institute results-driven improvement efforts, service-quality metrics, and customer satisfaction programs. Other statutory goals were to improve Congressional decision-making and the internal management of the United States government. Because of the Postal Service's position as an independent establishment of the Executive Branch of the government of the United States, section 7 of the law amended the Postal Reorganization Act to insert similar provisions for performance management in the Postal Service. (See 39 U.S.C. 2801-2805.)

Section 2802 of title 39, United States Code, requires the Postal Service to update and revise its strategic plan at least every 3 years. This plan must contain: