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Integrate Advertising and Promotion

To deliver a persuasive and consistent message about its products, the Postal Service will use the full spectrum of marketing tools, integrating traditional media with more targeted channels such as direct mail, Internet, and point of sale messaging at Post Offices. At the local level, Postal Service managers are empowered to advertise locally using customized direct mail, print and radio ads, and point of sale materials available through the online communication tool MessageMaker. In addition, national and local promotional events held in Post Offices and at non-postal venues will be used to give customers hands-on experience with products and services.

Postmasters, carriers, and sales and service associates have been selected as postal ambassadors in each district and professionally trained to act as spokespersons in advertising and public relations. The Postal Service will continue to draw upon the enthusiasm of these ambassadors by creating new opportunities to communicate with fellow employees and promote the Postal Service to customers.

Over the past 5 years the Postal Service has equipped and mobilized many of its employees to promote postal products to their customers. Research shows that employee awareness of products, features, and services has increased as a result. The postal workforce remains the organization's greatest marketing asset. The Postal Service will continue to help employees generate interest among the customers they serve by sending frequent informational mailings to households and businesses. A new bi-monthly magazine called Impact will also be tested with current small business customers. It will share information about innovative uses for the mail and feature customer success stories.

The Postal Service has many valuable sales tools, research studies, and other information that are useful to postmasters, managers, and the professional sales force when they meet with customers. In the next year, these materials will be made easier to access and use through an online marketing intelligence library. Valuable research, such as that on Gen X, Gen Y,and the Mail and The Value of Mail in a Multi-Channel World, will be available to postal employees engaged in customer outreach and to the Postal Service's industry partners.