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Revitalize Customer / Industry Outreach
The Postal Service and its customers have long benefited from collaborations through grassroots organizations such as Postal Customer Councils (PCCs) and national groups, such as the Mailers' Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC). To remain relevant and promote greater participation, new structures and educational programs are being developed to ensure participants and the companies they represent are using the mail successfully. Going forward, the Postal Service will increase the return on investment from these affiliations. The Postal Service will work with MTAC to capitalize on the participants' expertise. PCCs will become more effective teaching and outreach vehicles for postmasters to help novice business mailers. The Postal Service also will make better use of the National Postal Forum — the mailing industry's premier advanced education venue — to help larger mailers expand and fine-tune their effectiveness in using the mail.
The Postal Service will also develop new relationships with customer groups. A Small Business Marketing Council has been created to help develop this vital sector's ability to grow and prosper by using mail as a business and marketing vehicle. The Council is comprised of the National Small Business Foundation, Association of American Chamber of Commerce Executives, National Black Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Women Business Owners, National Restaurant Association, Association of Small Business Development Centers, and American Society of Association Executives. More such relationships will be established in the years ahead.
Thousands of businesses and millions of jobs depend upon the mail. Each of these companies and its employees have a vested interest in the growth and continued success of the mail. The Postal Service will forge new private-sector partnerships with advertisers and advertising associations to promote the mail as the cornerstone for effective multi-channel marketing. Key postal executives will play a more active role in advertising/marketing industry trade associations, such as the American Advertising Federation, the Association of National Advertisers, and the Direct Marketing Association. Partnering in joint promotions, research, and co-branded events will create greater awareness and use of the mail.
The Postal Service will sponsor memberships in key organizations for area and district personnel. Postmasters and managers will be encouraged to participate in local chapters, take advantage of speaking opportunities, and continue to place postal messaging in local newspapers and publications.