Our capital plan for the future calls for cost management by developing and deploying new automation and mechanization equipment that will increase our operating efficiency. We will continue to concentrate on maintaining such infrastructure as facilities, vehicles and systems, as well as return on investment (ROI) projects. Under this plan, we will make investments in programs that reduce work hours in our distribution, processing and delivery operations. These investments include the Optical Character Reader Enhancement Program, Postal Automated Redirection System (PARS) for Letters Phase 2 and PARS for Flats. The Optical Character Reader Enhancements for Letter Automation Program replaces outmoded Multi-line Optical Character Readers and results in a significant reduction in space requirements for the equipment, improved productivity and less maintenance. PARS for Letters will automate the processing of Undeliverable-As-Addressed mail and greatly reduce the labor and time needed to process this mail.
Our facilities program will continue to
address life, health, safety and security
issues. We will use existing space whenever
possible, invest in new construction only
when necessary and maintain our customer
service facility infrastructure to support the
growth of the delivery network.
The Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP)
includes projects that address biohazard
detection and ventilation filtration systems to
provide a level of protection for our employees
and customers from potential contamination.
The Board of Governors has approved the
Biohazard Detection System and the
Ventilation Filtration System projects which we
will deploy during 2004 and beyond. A portion
of these investments has been funded under
the Homeland Security authorization in the
2002 Department of Defense Appropriations
Act. The remaining capital funding for these
and any other EPP-related projects will be allocated
from the 2004 capital plan as
necessary, pending any new appropriations.
(See Note 11 of the Notes to the Financial
Statements for additional information.)