Key Indicators

Our Business
Our Business Units FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 % Change FY05-08
Revenues $Million $69,907 $72,650 $74,778 $74,932 7%
Net Profit $Million $1,445 $900 $(5,327) $(2,806) -294%
Mail Volume (Pieces) Million pieces 211,742 213,138 212,234 202,703 -4%
Mail Weight Million pounds 25,842 25,932 25,643 24,237 -6%
Delivery Points Million 144.33 146.17 147.99 149.19 3%
Total Miles Traveled Million miles nd nd nd 7,987 nd
Postal Owned Vehicles Miles Traveled Million miles 1,206 1,237 1,235 1,269 5%
Non-Vehicle Route Miles Traveled Million miles nd nd nd 15 nd
Contract Vehicles Miles Traveled Million miles nd nd nd 6,703 nd
Facilities (total owned, leased, other) (see note 1) Count 34,588 34,412 34,318 34,175 -1%

Our Environment
Our Environment Units FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 % Change FY05-08
Total Energy Use (see note 2) Million GJ 136 134 131 123 -9%
Per Mail Piece GJ/million pieces 642 630 617 609 -5%
Per Mail Weight GJ/million pounds 5,261 5,176 5,110 5,094 -3%
Per Revenues GJ/$million 1,945 1,848 1,752 1,648 -15%
Facility Energy Use (see note 3) Billion Btu (BBtu) 37,298 36,372 30,072 30,732 -18%
Per Square Foot BBtu/MSF 117.4 113.2 92.9 94.4 -20%
Per Mail Piece BBtu/million pieces 0.18 0.17 0.14 0.15 -14%
Owned Vehicle Energy Use Million GGE 141.6 143.1 145.6 148.3 5%
From Petroleum-based Fuels Million GGE 140.7 142.3 144.8 146.8 4%
From Alternative Fuels (see note 4) Million GGE 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.5 61%
Miles per Gasoline Gallon Equivalent GGE/mi 8.51 8.64 8.48 8.56 1%
Contract Transportation Energy Use Million GGE 631.2 623.7 648.9 580.1 -8%
GHG Emissions from Scope 1 Sources (see notes 5, 6) Million Metric tons CO2 eq nd nd 1.78 nd nd
GHG Emissions from Scope 2 Sources (see notes 5, 6) Million Metric tons CO2 eq nd nd 3.60 nd nd
GHG Emissions from Contract Transportation
(Scope 3) (See notes 5, 7)
Million Metric tons CO2 eq nd nd 5.78 nd nd
Municipal Solid Waste Generated Metric tons nd nd nd 455,000 nd
Municipal Solid Waste Recycled Metric tons nd nd nd 232,000 nd
USPS electronics reused/recycled Metric tons 755 778 1,041 1,348 79%
Post Offices with Lobby Recycling for Customers Count 3,250 3,344 3,626 3,984 23%
USPS Districts Enrolled in WasteWise Program % Districts 11% 11% 11% 100% 833%
USPS Products Cradle-to-Cradle Certified Millions na na 758.4 892.7 nd
Percentage of Transactions Online % of total transactions 30.0% 33.4% 37.9% 44.1% 47%

Our People
Our People Units FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 % Change FY05-08
Career Employees Count 704,716 696,138 684,762 663,238 -6%
Non-Career Employment (Full Time Equivalents) Full Time Equivalents 98,284 100,061 101,167 101,850 4%
OSHA Illness and Injury Rate Per 100 employees 5.74 5.6 5.51 5.4 -6%
Formal EEO Complaints Per 100 employees nd nd 0.8 0.8 nd
Results of Voice of Employee Survey % approving 63.7% 63.4% 63.5% 63.7% 0%

Our Community
Our Community Units FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 % Change FY05-08
Results of Customer Satisfaction Surveys % approval rate 93% 92% 92% 92% -1%
Funds Raised by SemiPostal $Million $7.7 $5.2 $5.0 $7.0 -9%
Funds Raised in the Combined Federal Campaign $Million $38.7 $40.2 $37.2 nd nd

  • nd: no data available at this time.
    na: not applicable.
  • 1 Our facilities range in size from 50 square feet to 34 acres under one roof, and support retail, delivery, mail processing, maintenance, administrative and support activities.
  • 2 USPS energy goal is 30% reduction in intensity from a 2003 baseline for facilities covered by the Department of Energy guidelines for Energy Independence and Security Act 2007 and Executive Order 13423. FY03 to FY08 progress is -17.2%.
  • 3 Facility energy estimates based on guidance provided by Department of Energy per Executive Order 13423.
  • 4 Alternative fuels include Biodiesel, CNG, E-85, Electricity, and Propane.
  • 5 Reported GHG emissions are for calendar year 2007 according to the California Climate Action Registry.
  • 6 USPS CY2007 Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions are 3rd party verified according to the California Climate Action Registry accounting protocol.
  • 7 USPS CY2007 Scope 3 GHG emissions represent our estimate from contract transport and are not third party validated.

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