Our Community

Our Unique Position

"Since 1775 the U.S. Postal Service has connected friends, families, neighbors and businesses by mail. This tradition of public service brings with it a responsibility to be a good corporate citizen in every community in the United States. The Postal Service’s many outreach activities give us an opportunity to use our resources to give back to the communities where we live and work."

— John E. Potter, Postmaster General

Image from national food drive

Thousands of letter carriers across the country participate each year in the national food drive, a one-day event that benefits local food banks. To date, the drive, administered by the National Association of Letter Carriers, has collected nearly 1 billion pounds of food.

Customer Outreach

Nearly everyone in America is a Postal Service customer, and our connection with communities begins with those customers.

In addition to our direct customer outreach programs, USPS leads Postal Customer Councils (PCCs) made up of local business leaders and other mailing industry representatives. PCCs help us keep customers updated on the latest postal products and developments in the industry.

More than 100,000 members belong to 200 local PCCs across the country. PCC Insider, a monthly eNewsletter, provides the latest information on products and services, technology advances, and pricing and classification to these business customers.

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