chapter 1
compliance with statutory policies
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g. Combined Federal Campaign

     The Postal Service joins other federal agencies in the Combined Federal Campaign drive each fall. For calendar year 2003, Postal Service employees nationwide pledged a total of $38,477,992 in payroll deductions to the charities of their choice. The average gift was $203.

h. Safety

     In 2003 the Postal Service continued to experience remarkable improvement in its safety program. Programs were developed targeted at reducing accident/injury incidents. The Postal Service issued guidance and direction to employees on a wide variety of safety and health issues. Through mandatory safety talks, videos, and publications, employees were apprised how to avoid injuries and illness.

     The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Injury and Illness frequency rate is 7.05 per 100 employees. This is down 12 percent from last year and equates to 9,358 fewer OSHA Illnesses and Injuries. In the past two years the Postal Service has reduced the total number of OSHA Illnesses and Injuries by 19,725.

     The Postal Service motor vehicle accident frequency rate is 10.07 per million miles. Despite significantly worse weather, this is down 3.3 percent from last year and equates to 435 fewer motor vehicle accidents. In the past two years the Postal Service has reduced total number of motor vehicle accidents by 2,892.

     The Safety Depends on Me video campaign, part of the Postal Service overall employee safety and health communication program, continued to win numerous private sector industry video awards. In 2003 the Postal Service received two Tellys and two Aurora awards. This makes a total of four national and four international awards since starting The Safety Depends on Me campaign in September 2001. The Safety Depends on Me campaign provides employees with just-in-time safety and health

information. Employees are now holding themselves responsible for safety and it is working. Kits containing a timely video, poster, and safety talk have been prepared and distributed, and an internal home page was created and serves as an extension for promoting the campaign.

     To help reduce the number of OSHA Injuries and Illnesses incurred by letter carriers, the Postal Service entered into a joint partnership agreement with the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC). This resulted in the establishment of a joint task force composed of representatives from both parties. The joint task force is co-chaired by a representative from the Postal Service and a representative from the NALC. In May 2003, the Postal Service signed a letter of intent with the NALC for the establishment of a one-year pilot program in the Eastern Area. The pilot program was established based on recommendations put forward by the joint task force.

     Safety and health inspections and program evaluations are also key tactics for reducing injuries and illnesses. The Postal Service implemented a unique technology for conducting inspections and evaluations with the use of handheld computers and Web-based reporting. More than 500 safety specialists were issued handheld computers and trained on conducting inspections and evaluations using electronic checklists. The results are reported and compiled using web technology, which is also used to update safety information on the handheld devices. The Safety Toolkit enables rapid and effective inspections and abatement of deficiencies.

     The Postal Service continued to deal with the fallout of the terrorist attacks of 2001. The anthrax attacks still affected Postal Service employees, operations, and facilities. The Curseen-Morris (C-M) and Trenton facilities remained closed. The C-M facility was successfully fumigated and cleared for reoccupancy. Extensive renovations of C-M continued throughout the summer (including a transition safety and health plan developed with input from OSHA) and the plant reopened in late 2003. The Trenton facility is scheduled for fumigation in the fall and plans

Chapter 1
Compliance with Statutory Policies Introduction
  1. Fundamental Service to the People
  2. The Workforce
  3. Service to Small or Rural Communities
  4. Postal Cost Apportionment and Postal Ratemaking Developments
  5. Transportation Policies
  6. Postal Service Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies
Chapter 2 Postal Operations

Chapter 3 Financial Highlights

Chapter 4 2003 Performance Report and Preliminary 2005 Annual Performance Plan