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In-no-va-tion  n [from Latin innovatus something new] 1:  a new idea, method, or device 2:  a solution outside the norm 3:  what you can expect from the United States Postal Service as it takes advantage of new technology and processes to provide the best mail service in the world.

TRANSFORMATION: It's All About Execution

The Postal Service’s Transformation Plan is based on action. It’s about taking the steps necessary to protect affordable, universal mail service for every American. That’s the promise of universal service. That’s the core of the Postal Service’s historic mission. And that’s exactly what we’re doing.

Our new CONFIRM service uses web-based technology to increase the value of the mail. Using an innovative, subscription-based pricing system, major users of the mail can track their mail as it moves through our system. That helps them manage their businesses better than ever.

An unprecedented, negotiated rate settlement, proposed by the independent Postal Rate Commission made it clear there is flexibility in a lengthy and cumbersome rate-setting process.

And we built on that. We worked with the Commission to convene a historic “rates summit” with mailers. We looked at ratemaking from every angle. How can we streamline the ratemaking process? What are mailers’ priorities? How much flexibility do we really have in setting rates?

But we did more than just talk. We moved forward with an experimental rate filing that matches pricing — and our costs — to the unique needs of particular mailers. It’s what we call a negotiated service agreement. It’s about innovation — and growth — for the Postal Service and the mailing industry. And it’s just the first of many new ideas that we’ll be pursuing.

We’re taking that spirit of innovation to our compensation systems, too. We’ve started discussions with our management associations on a new performance-based pay system. It will bring more accountability and focus to everything we do. That’s what our customers expect. That’s what we’ll give them.

Tomorrow’s challenges will call for exceptional leadership. So we’re identifying and preparing the next generation of postal leaders today. Our new management intern program draws from the best — in the Postal Service and from other organizations. They’ll make sure we’re ready to meet the needs of our customers far into the future.

Our Transformation Plan also calls for building a better workplace. We want to be sure our employees have the tools, the opportunity and the incentive to continue providing the best service possible.

Exceptional service is what it’s all about. That’s why we’ll continue to make our operations even more efficient. Expanding our automation program will help us move the mail faster and more accurately than ever. That will help us keep costs down. Combine the two, and mail will continue to offer the best value possible — fast and affordable.

We’re looking at our networks, too. Using a complex data-collection model, we’ll be able to better align, integrate and optimize our mail-processing and transportation systems. Simplifying our systems means better service and reduced costs. That’s a winning proposition no matter how you look at it.

Transformation? Nothing new for the Postal Service. We’ve been transforming since Ben Franklin was Postmaster General. We’ve grown with the nation and embraced new technologies and better ways of doing business. We won’t stop now.       previous page  next page

¿Ay, papi, es mío, es mío?  -Jorge Ramirez, 5