chapter 1
compliance with statutory policies
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f. Training and Technology

     The Postal Service's Learning Management System (LMS) is an integrated, Web-based learning management system offering robust training administration, learner self-service, and training management capabilities. Its goal is to provide training administrators and employees with a comprehensive tool for planning and tracking training at both corporate and individual levels. Features include event management, career planning, transcripts and certifications, course catalog management, system security, and access to eLearning content. The LMS was piloted in April 2003 and is now routinely used in Headquarters, Headquarters-related offices, the Eastern Area office, and Pittsburgh District Office. Nationwide expansion is expected by the end of December.

     The Postal Service's contract with the Federal Training Network brings to Postal Service employees at all levels courses in leadership, diversity, safety, customer service, and other general business content. Enrollments for 2003 totaled 127,586.

g. New Intern Programs

     The Management Intern Program and Professional Specialist Intern Program were implemented in 2002. These two-year developmental programs are designed to attract and develop outstanding internal and external candidates who possess graduate degrees. The Management Intern Program is field based and prepares interns to assume key mid-level operations positions. The Professional Specialist Intern Program is targeted at identifying Headquarters positions critical to the success of the organization. The Postal Service recruited for positions in the areas of economics, psychology, operations research, market research, network operations, information systems, and purchasing.

     At the end of 2003, all of the original 22 management interns hired in June 2002 had completed 16 months of the 24-month Management Intern Program. In 2003 there were 2,508 Postal Service and non-Postal Service applicants to the Program, of which

308 went through an assessment process. Eighty-seven finalists from the assessment center were interviewed by the areas. Thirty successful candidates were hired and began the program in June 2003. Twelve (12) additional candidates were hired in November, 2003. The Professional Specialist Intern Program recruited for three positions in 2003. Recruitment for the 2004 Management Intern and Professional Specialist Intern Programs began in October 2003.

h. William F. Bolger Center for Leadership Development

    The Center continues to generate revenue from non-Postal Service customers. In 2003 revenue from non-Postal Service customers was $7 million. Approximately 38,194 people passed through the Center and of that number, 23,342 were Postal Service customers and 14,852 were external customers. This resulted in a total of 67,540 room nights, an increase 5,994 over last year's total. The Center's largest repeat customers continue to be Lockheed Martin and SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation). Added to the list this year were the Department of Education, Internal Revenue Service, and American Management Association. The number of postal customers will continue to rise as the Center expands its offering of training programs to meet Postal Service requirements.

     There were three new courses introduced at the Center during the past year. "Leadership Training for Managers" is a three-day training session that provides instruction in the tools and skills of management. "Coaching/Counseling and Motivating Employees" is a two-day training session for new and experienced supervisors and managers who want to influence, direct, teach, or motivate employees. The "Business Writing" course is a one-day class developed for business professionals. The class provides techniques and skills to help add clarity and power to business writing.

Chapter 1
Compliance with Statutory Policies Introduction
  1. Fundamental Service to the People
  2. The Workforce
  3. Service to Small or Rural Communities
  4. Postal Cost Apportionment and Postal Ratemaking Developments
  5. Transportation Policies
  6. Postal Service Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies
Chapter 2 Postal Operations

Chapter 3 Financial Highlights

Chapter 4 2003 Performance Report and Preliminary 2005 Annual Performance Plan