‘Stamps to Go’ at Grocers in San Francisco

Means One Less Line for Holiday Shoppers

Turkey, cranberries, stamps … got ’em!

November 21, 2014 

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USPS 2014 Poinsettia holiday stamp

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Family holidays mean extra time at the grocery store where U.S. postage stamps, sold at no added charge, are a now popular step-saver for American consumers.

“We are all looking for smart ways to shop, and that includes buying a holiday supply of postage. We put stamps in the right place to meet that need,” said Jeffrey Day, District Manager, San Francisco. “Our goal is easy access to Postal Service products and services. It can’t get much easier than at the grocery store.”

Nationwide, Postal Service officials report that there are more than 650 consignees in the Stamps to Go program, representing more than 64,000 locations that provide customers with the opportunity to purchase stamps at no additional cost.  

Some of the nation’s largest grocery chains will offer the Postal Service’s 2014 Poinsettia holiday stamp this season. Local grocery stores that offer Stamps to Go include: Safeway, Costco and Whole Foods. Walgreens and CVS also offer stamps.   

To find grocery stores and other locations selling stamps, consumers can use the Find Locations tool at www.usps.com. Merchants considering adding stamps for cashier checkouts, bank teller stations, ATMs or added to merchandise sales can contact the Stamps to Go coordinators.  

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

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