Post Office Operations and Mail Delivery Resume

January 26, 2016 @USPS

WASHINGTON — Postal workers are collecting, delivering and sorting mail throughout the DC metro area today and mail service will resume as the impact of Winter Storm Jonas wanes.

All Post Offices are scheduled to reopen today, but out of concern for customers’ safety, some locations may open later than normal due to necessary cleanup efforts resulting from the weekend’s historic snowstorm.

Mail delivery will resume in full today.  In order to receive delivery mail boxes must be visible and safely accessible.  Please ensure the mailbox itself is visible and free of snow and ice, and it is safely accessible for your letter carrier.  Also check to ensure sidewalks, steps and passage ways are free of ice and snow.

Carriers will make every attempt to deliver mail where safe and passable. If mailboxes are blocked off or conditions are too difficult, letter carriers must consider safety and accessibility first. We expect and understand that more people will have the opportunity to clear boxes and walkways as the week progresses.  Carriers will monitor and resume delivery to these locations as they are cleared.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

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