U.S. Postal Service Ranks First in Job Performance

Top Rated Government Agency

January 25, 2018 

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CHICAGO — The Postal Service once again has the best job performance of any government agency, according to respondents in a new Gallup poll.

The organization was ranked “excellent” or “good” by 74 percent of consumers surveyed, topping 13 other government agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (66 percent) and the Secret Service (63 percent), which came in second and third, respectively.

USPS received a similar top ranking (72 percent) in 2014, the last time the survey was conducted.

“For the Postal Service, everyone is a customer. Our high ranking in this poll reflects the efforts of our employees to improve customers’ experiences at every touch point,” said Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan. “I thank all employees for their contributions.”

The organization is emphasizing customer service through new features like Informed Delivery, which allows consumers to receive digital images of their incoming mail, and Informed Visibility, a platform that allows USPS to track mail as it moves throughout the postal network.

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