Eastpointe Postmaster to be Honored at All Star Game by MLB, People Magazine

Charitable winning streak gets attention and votes

June 30, 2009 

EASTPOINTE MI— She’s hit a home run for people who suffer from life-threatening diseases. Now, after nearly three quarters of a million people voted overall, Eastpointe, MI Postmaster Kate Brooks is being honored with national recognition for her good works. Brooks is among 30 national winners of the “All Stars Among Us” contest, sponsored by PEOPLE magazine and Major League Baseball. She was the top vote-getter among three finalists to represent the Detroit Tigers and will be honored July 14 at the MLB All Star game in St. Louis. “This is an accolade I never expected,” said Brooks, “I’m deeply honored-humbled, really, to think that people took the time to cast a vote for me.”

Brooks has been pitching the benefits of joining the “Be The Match Registry” for the past two years, and as district coordinator for the Postal Service’s Delivering the Gift of Life campaign she led the Southeast MI postal team to the top of the nation in registered potential donors in 2008. With her team of fellow volunteers, Brooks has recruited more than 1,000 potential marrow donors for the National Marrow Donor Program’s Be the Match Registry. The National Marrow Donor Program matches volunteer donors with patients suffering from leukemia and other life-threatening diseases.

So far, two of her postal recruits have been matched to people needing marrow transplants. “It is life-changing to witness the joy that hope brings to the people who need a transplant,” said Brooks, “that’s keeps me motivated.” She brings that sincerity to each marrow drive she hosts. “Her belief in the value of the registry drives her to reach as many people as she can,” said Earl Schutt, Postmaster, Hazel Park and a member of the Southeast Michigan Delivering the Gift of Life team. “She works with other teams across the state to inspire them to participate. She’s convincing because she believes in what she’s doing.”

Brooks looks at the recognition and excitement as an opportunity to share her message. “Those votes represent people who, hopefully, will consider joining the Be the Match Registry,” said Brooks. “And some may even represent people who will need a donor. You never know. Either way, this is great attention for a really great cause and I’m thrilled to be part of it.”

Information about the Be The Match Registry is available at www.marrow.org.

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An independent federal agency, the U.S. Postal Service is the only delivery service that reaches every address in the nation, 149 million residences, businesses and Post Office Boxes, six days a week. It has 34,000 retail locations and relies on the sale of postage, products and services, not tax dollars, to pay for operating expenses. Named the Most Trusted Government Agency five consecutive years by the Ponemon Institute, the Postal Service has annual revenue of $75 billion and delivers nearly half the world’s mail.

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