Charlotte Carrier Receives National Safety Award

April 20, 2010 

Charlotte Carrier Receives National Safety Award

Front row (l-r): Dave Fields, Edward Hood, Stephanie Harris and Tim Daulton; Back row (l-r): David Mills, Tom Callahan, Britton McGill

CHARLOTTE, NC — The Mid-Carolinas District recognized another carrier for achieving a milestone in his career. Charlotte city carrier Edward Hood, of Minuet Carrier Annex, received the National Safety Council’s Million Mile Award, recognizing a career of more than 30 years at Minuet with no accidents.

District Manager Dave Fields presented the award to Hood and thanked him for his dedication to safety. “Thank you for all that you do day in and day out to serve our customers, and thanks for doing so safely. Our customers don’t know me; but, they certainly know you. And you represent us well.” Hood says, “I thank God for the opportunity to do this job and perform it safely.” He says he is aware each day of his surroundings, and he enjoys coming to work to do a good job. Hood also encouraged his fellow carriers to strive for their own Million Mile Award, saying, “I hope each one of you has the chance to receive this award, and that you stick around and stay safe while you’re here.”

Customer Services Manager Britton McGill says Hood is “one of the best” at what he does and others would do well to emulate him. Charlotte Postmaster Tom Callahan, HR Manager David Mills, Safety Manager Stephanie Harris and Safety Specialist Aileen Livingston also participated in the award ceremony.

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