U.S. Postal Service Observes the Fourth of July Holiday

July 03, 2014 

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Fourth of July Forever stamp

While there will be no delivery or retail service at Post Offices on the Fourth of July Holiday, Friday, July 4, 2014, you still have access to postal services online at usps.com and at Self Service Kiosks (SSKs) at participating locations.

Whether online or by visiting an SSK, you can weigh and ship packages, buy postage, mail letters, look up ZIP Codes and access other mailing information. Special services like certified mail and insurance are also available.

You can go to www.usps.com to find out their hours and to find other locations that sell products and services by using the Locate A Post Office search function.

While the Postal Service is observing the Fourth of July as a federal holiday, we will re-open with regular mail delivery, collections, and retails services on Saturday, July 5, 2014. 

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

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Postal News

Puerto Rico Media Contacts

    Maureen Marion
