Ranson letter carrier inducted into prestigious “Million Mile Club”

Employee has successfully driven over 30 years without a motor vehicle accident

November 02, 2015 

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Nevin “Tim” Shaffer receives Million Mile Club award

Photo above: Nevin “Tim” Shaffer receives his Million Mile Club award and jacket from Appalachian District Manager Wendy English.

RANSON, WV — The Appalachian District of USPS recently recognized Ranson Post Office City Carrier Nevin “Tim” Shaffer for the extraordinary feat of driving a million accident-free miles.  Shaffer was presented the National Safety Council’s Million Mile Club award by Appalachian District Manager Wendy English in a special ceremony attended by his postal leadership and his coworkers.

The award is given to professional drivers who reach a million miles or accumulated 30 years of driving without sustaining a single preventable accident. “We place the safety of our employees as our top priority,” said English. “And we credit our comprehensive safe driver training program as being second to none.”

According to the National Safety Council, nearly 11,000 postal employees have achieved a unique distinction most of us never approach in a lifetime — driving more than a million, accident-free miles. No other business comes close. Reaching this pinnacle requires 30 years of service and a safe attitude.

The nation’s 31,000 plus Post Offices are linked by nearly 214,000 vehicles — the world’s largest civilian fleet. As one of America’s last vestiges to make house calls, 297,000 letter carriers and truck drivers log more than 1.2 billion miles annually when delivering to America’s 151.5 million addresses.

A Martinsburg resident, Shaffer has called Ranson home for his entire 37-year career. “Ranson is where I grew up,” Shaffer said. “This is where my family home is. Over the years many of my patrons have become like family to me. I have watched children grow up and their children grow.”

"Tim is an outstanding employee in every aspect considering this very demanding position,” said Ranson Postmaster Richard Martin. “The Postal Service has always emphasized safe driving practices. Tim is very conscientious and his leadership and accomplishments are a great example for every member of our workforce."

Shaffer reflects on a long, fruitful career. He recognizes it is somewhat bittersweet. “It has been an honor to be a public servant for the United States Postal Service and to receive this award, Shaffer said. “I am looking forward to my retirement but will miss my fellow employees and patrons.  I would like to thank them for all of their appreciation.”

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