Section 508
Handbook AS-508 June 2004
Transmittal Letter
A. Purpose. Using technology to enhance value is an integral part of the Postal Service's Transformation Plan. As we increase our reliance on information systems to help us manage information, improve service, manage costs, and carry out our mission more efficiently, we have a greater responsibility than ever to provide full access for our customers, our employees, and those we do business with - including people with disabilities.
This handbook explains the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and sets forth, in broad outline, the Postal Service's policies on how to comply with them. All functional organizations can use the information in this handbook to understand, achieve, and maintain Section 508 compliance.
Handbook AS–508–A, Section 508 Technical Reference Guide, presents these policies in greater technical detail.
B. Scope. The guidelines in this handbook affect Postal Service employees, customers, suppliers, and business partners. Given the broad scope of this law and its pervasive impact on information technology, collaborative efforts are needed for its achievement. Consequently, the audience for this Handbook spans the entire corporation. Although managers of functional organizations within the Postal Service have direct responsibility for complying with Section 508 within their areas of responsibility, the coordinated efforts of cross–functional teams are vital to realize the mandates of the law.
C. Availability. This handbook is available online only and may be accessed both from the Internet and from the Postal Service intranet.
From the homepage, click on All Products & Services, then on Publications, then on Postal Periodicals and Publications. Choose Handbooks.
It is also available on the Postal Service PolicyNet Intranet Web site:
D. Comments and Questions. Send your comments, questions, or additional information about the handbook via e–mail to: Use “AS–508" in header.
E. Effective Date. This handbook is effective immediately.

Robert L. Otto
Vice President
Information Technology