Type of Transfer
Delivery Time and Note (if applicable)
Interline or intraline transfer and delivery times of priority rate service mail from the block time of the transferring air carrier to receipt by the receiving air carrier
60 minutes
Interline or intraline transfer time of non-priority rate service mail from the block time of the transferring air carrier to receipt by the receiving air carrier
120 minutes
Mainline flights arriving at hub points after 5:00 p.m. transfer time to the receiving air carrier
Maximum 60 minutes prior to the receiving air carrier’s next scheduled flight departure
Delivery time of priority rate service mail for hub point from scheduled arrival time of the air carrier to receipt at the Post Office
60 minutes
Delivery time of non-priority rate service mail for hub point from scheduled arrival of the air carrier to receipt at the Post Office
120 minutes
Delivery time of mail for hub point from flights arriving after 5:00 p.m. to the secured Post Office dock/vestibule
120 minutes Note: If there is no secured dock/vestibule, delivery must be completed within 60 minutes following the opening of the Post Office the next business day.
Delivery time for hub point bypass mail from the flight’s scheduled arrival time to receipt by the addressee
240 minutes Note: A first dispatch of available mail will be made up to 120 minutes prior to flight’s scheduled departure time at air carrier’s request.
Tender time of close-out mail from hub point Post Office prior to flight’s scheduled departure time
60 minutes
Delivery times at bush points
Same as listed for hub points unless otherwise specified by WADN, Denver.