Vehicles must be equipped with no less than the following emergency equipment, ready for use:
- Fire extinguishers — as required by the terms of the contract.
- Spare fuses — one of each different kind used on the vehicle.
- Tire chains — one set for at least one drive wheel on each side. Vehicles operated where conditions do not require chains may be exempted.
- Warning devices —one of the following combinations:
- Three flares (pot torches), three fuses, and two red flags.
- Three red electric lanterns and two red flags.
- Three red reflective triangles and two red flags.
When a motor vehicle becomes disabled and cannot be removed from the traveled portion of the highway or the shoulder and is not clearly discernible to persons on the highway at a distance of 500 feet, the driver must immediately set out emergency signals as described in sections 459.22 and 459.23.
Place red flags in the center of the traffic lane 100 feet in front of and 100 feet to the rear of the vehicle.
Place fuses, flares, lanterns, or reflective triangles 100 feet in front of, 100 feet to the rear of, and along the side of the vehicle. When necessary (for example, if there is a curve, a crest of a hill, or some other visual obstruction), place signals at least 100 feet, but no farther than 500 feet, from the vehicle to give other drivers ample warning.