Appropriate mail receptacles must be provided for the receipt of mail. The type of mail receptacle depends on the mode of delivery in place. Purchase, installation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of mail receptacles are the responsibility of the customer. Verify with the local Postmaster or Growth Manager, the appropriate locations for installation. The following apply:
- In locations where the Postal Service has determined that centralized delivery is appropriate, customers must install mail receptacles that comply with the USPS STD- 4C wall-mounted mail receptacles or USPSB1118, Postal Service specification, CBUs, to include secured parcel lockers.
- If curbline delivery is authorized, customers must erect curb-mounted receptacles that comply with USPS-STD-7C.
- If sidewalk delivery is authorized, customers must erect sidewalk-mounted receptacles that comply with USPS-STD-7C.
The Postal Service annually publishes a list of USPS-approved mailbox equipment and approved manufacturers in its Postal Bulletin. http://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2017/pb22467/html/welcome.htm.
You can find the latest list of USPS-approved equipment and approved manufacturers at: