Interim Internal Purchasing Guidelines > 1 Authority, Responsibility and Policy > 1.7 Anticompetitive Practices
1.7.1 General
An anticompetitive practice is any practice designed to eliminate competition
or restrain trade. Such practices include collusion, follow-the-leader pricing,
rotated low price proposals, sharing of business, identical prices, and any
other device intended to deprive the Postal Service of the benefits of
competition. These practices may violate federal antitrust laws and be subject
to prosecution by the Attorney General. Proposals suspected of reflecting
anticompetitive practices may be rejected.
1.7.2 Reports
Any suspected anticompetitive practice must be reported promptly through
normal management channels to the VP, SM (or the VP, Facilities, if the
matter involves real estate). Identical prices are not reported automatically,
but only if there is reason to suspect an anticompetitive practice. If the VP
believes that there is reasonable evidence of violation of federal antitrust
laws, the report must be forwarded to the Office of Inspector General (OIG).
The OIG will refer the matter to the Attorney General for prosecution, if