7-16 Sustainability

7-16.1 General

The Postal Service is committed to being a sustainability leader by creating a culture of conservation throughout the Postal Service and by driving efficiencies in our sustainable business practices with our customers, our suppliers, the mailing industry, and government agencies.

Environmentally preferable – means the purchase of products and services that have a lesser or reduced negative effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose. This comparison applies to and includes supply chain steps of raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, use, reuse, operation, maintenance, and disposal. The purchase of environmentally preferable products (EPP) and services is synonymous with green purchasing.

Clause 7-10, Sustainability, which is included in all contracts through its incorporation by reference in Clause 4-2: Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Policies, Statutes, or Executive Orders, encourages suppliers to provide EPP or use them in the performance of their services.

In addition to using and providing environmentally preferable products, suppliers are encouraged to provide innovative supply chain solutions that are aligned with the Postal Service’s sustainability objectives. In doing so, contracting officers, in consultation with assigned counsel, may consider incentivizing and supporting sustainability via supplier innovation by using Clause 2-22: Value Engineering Incentive (see Section 5-9.6, Value Engineering).