Whenever price analysis is insufficient to determine reasonableness of price, cost or pricing data must be obtained before awarding a noncompetitive contract or modification. Only the data needed to make the determination should be obtained. Before agreeing on price, the CO must have the supplier update the data to the latest dates for which data are reasonably available.
The CO must have suppliers obtain cost or pricing data for proposed subcontracts or subcontract modifications when needed to determine the reasonableness of a proposed contract or subcontract price (including negotiated final pricing actions such as termination settlements and total final price agreements for fixed-price incentive contracts). The supplier is responsible for conducting the price or cost analysis for subcontracts and including the results as part of its cost or pricing data. In unusual circumstances, to ensure that analysis is adequate, the CO may require the supplier to submit the subcontract data along with its own data. This does not reduce the supplier’s responsibility to do the subcontract cost or price analysis and negotiate fair and reasonable subcontract prices.
Under Clause 2-30: Allowable Cost and Payment, suppliers must submit a final indirect-cost rate proposal to the CO or contracting officer’s representative (COR) reflecting ACs during the period, together with cost or pricing data.
Clause 5-2: Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data — requires that before awarding any subcontract or pricing any subcontract modification, the supplier must require the subcontractor to submit cost or pricing data whenever cost or pricing data are required.