Resource assessment is used to determine whether sufficient resources, including funding, have been assessed and budgeted for a project. Previously, resources were preliminarily assessed in the context of the Conceptualize Need task of USPS Supplying Practices Process Step 1: Identify Needs. In the context of the Conduct Make vs. Buy Decision Analysis task, revisiting or updating the resource assessment confirms cost estimates in the relevant sections of the business justification document. Comparing validated costs with the original estimates is a crucial activity of this task.
During this stage, the client must continue to evaluate the need and determine its relative impact on available resources. When planning the delivery of a new project, the client organization needs to consider the resources required, whether they are from its own organization, a different organization in the Postal Service, SM, partners, or suppliers. purchase/SCM teams should also be aware of the impact that these decisions and actions will have on the client’s budget. See Handbook F-66, General Investment Policies and Procedures, for more information.