2-28.3 Communication and Training

The preauction communication and training process between the Postal Service and its suppliers is the key success factor to launching an effective reverse auction. A clear strategy for communicating the purpose, rules, and award criteria to suppliers is imperative. To clarify any misconceptions, suppliers must have the opportunity to ask questions regarding the reverse auction process before the actual auction takes place. Daily communication must be maintained with the suppliers to ensure their continued participation in the auction.

Training is a key enabler for the successful implementation of reverse auctions. This includes training for both Postal Service employees and suppliers participating in the auction. Participating suppliers should be adequately trained in both the use of the software and the rules in place to run the auction. Training can be conducted either by the purchase/SCM team within the Postal Service or by contracting it to a Reverse Auction Service Provider. During training, employees learn how to use the software and the rules associated with running a reverse auction. Hands-on training for Postal Service employees, including conducting mock auctions under various scenarios, is necessary to generate familiarity with the reverse auction process.