Clause 4-12: Site Preparation must be included in contracts whenever the Postal Service must specially prepare a site for installation of an information system.
Clause 4-16: Substitution of Information Technology Equipment, must be included in RFPs and contracts for IT in which the supplier will be afforded the opportunity to replace the product line(s) being purchased with equivalent items that are newer technology provided the pricing is equal to or less than the items being replaced.
Clause 4-17: Technology Enhancement must be included in all RFPs and contracts which require the supplier to propose newer, more effective, and more economical products on a continuous basis that the Postal Service may incorporate to keep pace with changing technological environments.
Clause 4-19: Information Security Requirements Resourcemust be included in all contracts for IT and other information processing and information gathering services when PII or other sensitive information would be generated or collected during contract performance.