For each contract for which the fee is expected to exceed $50,000, a notice of intent to contract for A/E services must be publicized in the GPE available at (further details can be reviewed in Section 2-27, Issue RFPs and Publicize Requirements). The notice must solicit submission of Standards Forms (SF) 254, Architect/Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire and SF 255, Architect/Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project. For each contract for which the fee is not expected to exceed $50,000, publicizing should be limited to the area in which the project will be performed.
COs establish teams to evaluate and select A/E suppliers. Each selection team must be composed of at least two members with one member designated as the chairperson. Team members must be appointed from among professionally qualified Postal Service personnel who collectively have experience in architecture, engineering, construction, and purchasing, although staff limitations or project-specific considerations may require that individuals working under contract for the Postal Service be appointed to the selection team. These individuals may be appointed only on a case-by-case basis subject to approval of the CO. Each project file must contain written certification by each evaluation team member that he or she has no conflict of interest that may impair their objectivity in the selection process.
Less complex, low dollar A/E projects may be awarded directly without the formation of an A/E selection team. For these projects, the CO may appoint an individual from the A/E selection team to recommend three or more qualified suppliers from existing SF 254 and SF 255 information. If the number of known qualified suppliers is insufficient to provide a competitive review, then the project may be publicized within the area in which the project is to be performed.