Technical Standards — IT periodically issues standards, policies, and general guidance by means of management instructions, handbooks, and technical bulletins, in order to supplement guidance in terms of updated standards and policy interpretations. The core technical standards which guide IT purchases are contained in Handbook AS-820, Postal Computing Environment — To ensure compliance with these standards, Provision 4-7 Postal Computing Environment must be included in all IT RFPs and resultant contracts.
Technical Appraisals — IT conducts market research and technical appraisals of the IT marketplace and potential suppliers. IT conducts technical appraisals of potential suppliers at various points during the purchasing process, particularly during the presolicitation phase. The objective is to proactively ensure seamless integration into the Postal Service’s computing environment. Suppliers interested in having their products or services appraised by IT must submit a request to that organization. Additionally, COs should encourage requirements organizations to seek a similar review by IT of their current and future requirements. Lastly, prequalification of suppliers should be considered for all IT purchases (see Section 2-22).