Contracting Officers Representatives (CORs) represent the contracting officer (CO) in dealings with a supplier. A COR is delegated responsibilities and duties and is authorized to take action regarding the administration of the actual awarded contract, in accordance with Clause 6-1: Contracting Officer’s Representative (March 2006). COR duties and responsibilities are delineated in the COR Letter of Appointment. It is the responsibility of the CO to determine whether and when to appoint a COR regarding the planned administration of a contract. In accordance with Clause 6-1: Contracting Officer’s Representative (March 2006), the CO will appoint a COR, responsible for the day-to-day administration of the contract, who will serve as the Postal Service’s point of contact with the supplier on all routine matters. A copy of the notice of appointment defining the COR’s authority will be furnished to the supplier upon award of the contract. The COR will do the following:
The COR will not do the following:
The supplier is responsible for the supervision, technical competency, and discipline of its personnel. When necessary, the supplier may be assisted in understanding Postal Service-unique processes and procedures. Except when required by the terms of the contract, members of the purchase/SCM team may not direct the supplier’s management activities or intervene to supervise, train, or discipline supplier personnel. The Postal Service purchase/SCM team may change as each Process Step leads to the next, but the CO remains business leader throughout the life cycle of the project and externally represents the purchase/SCM team in administrative dealings with the selected supplier.Appointing a COR
Appointing a COR involves the following steps, to be performed by the CO: