Whenever circumstances suggest that it would add to success of the purchase, such as when a solicitation contains complicated specifications or SOW, a preproposal conference may be held to brief suppliers and explain RFP documents. Notice of the preproposal conference should be contained in the solicitation. If time allows, participating suppliers should be allowed to submit written questions in advance, so that prepared answers may be distributed at the conference.
The entire purchase/SCM team should attend the conference. The contracting officer or a designated representative must conduct the conference, with the assistance of the purchase/SCM team and assigned counsel, as appropriate.
A record of the conference must be furnished to all of the potential suppliers who received the solicitation, irrespective of whether they chose or were able to attend. Because the role of that record is to ensure that all prospective suppliers fully understand the Postal Service’s intent with respect to the purchase, and not necessarily to provide a verbatim reconstruction of the meeting, the record may be provided in summary by topic, edited for clarity and brevity where necessary.