Potential points of conflict are areas where the Postal Service would benefit from different contract terms and conditions than those proposed by the supplier, or matters requiring clarification. Points of conflict can impede the Postal Service from receiving best value, and usually are centered around past performance, on-time delivery, product enhancements, product engineering, product quality, and, especially, price. The cost and price data and past performance considerations generated by consulting the results of the Implement Proposal Evaluation Strategy topic of the Perform Solicitation-Related Activities task of USPS Supplying Practices Process Step 2: Evaluate Sources are useful for generating the relevant information.
If there are no points of conflict, no areas that require further information, and discussions with other potential suppliers do not reveal that a different proposal may offer best value, and the purchase/SCM team determines that negotiations will not add value, the purchase/SCM team carriers out the activities associated with the Perform Preaward Activities task of USPS Supplying Practices Process Step 2: Evaluate Sources.