2-1.2 Preliminary Sourcing Strategy

The preliminary sourcing strategy, which is a preliminary determination of whether the purchase should be made competitively or noncompetitively, and whether it should involve multiple sourcing, single sourcing, or sole sourcing is a central component of the purchase plan. The purchase/SCM team should gather and analyze the pertinent data supporting the preliminary sourcing strategy and collectively make a preliminary decision that the strategy is justified. In all cases, the purchase/SCM team must specifically consider whether any sourcing strategy may potentially negatively impact the Postal Service’s commitment to establish a strong and competitive supplier base by putting small, minority or women-owned businesses at a competitive disadvantage. Depending on the nature of the purchase, the proper data and analysis to determine the appropriate strategy may be obtained through:

Again, this is only a preliminary determination. Further analysis and justification for a particular sourcing strategy may be necessary when the purchase/SCM team makes its final sourcing decision, especially if the decision is to go with a single source. More information on this subject is contained in the Section 2-20, Develop and Finalize Sourcing Strategy and section 2-10, Determine Extent of Competition.