If suppliers have not been prequalified, the CO, working with the purchase/SCM team, must establish a list of potential suppliers for each RFP, and maintain lists of potential suppliers for services solicited on a recurring basis. Suppliers wishing to be included on the national mailing list may apply by submitting Form 5436, Mailing List Application — Mail Transportation Services, or by letter providing the information required by the purchase/SCM team. Suppliers must be retained on mailing lists for 2 years from the date of their application or the date of their most recent response to a solicitation, which ever is later. Those that have been removed from mailing lists may be reinstated by filing a new application.
The purchase/SCM team, using its knowledge of the marketplace and depending on the particular purchase, should solicit enough mailing list suppliers to ensure adequate competition. In addition, the CO may have an announcement of the RFP published in the GPE. Announcements of RFPs may be made available to newspapers, other news media, and trade journals at no cost to the Postal Service. Paid commercial announcements or advertisements may be used when determined by the CO to be in the Postal Service’s interest. Unless precluded by urgency, any announcement must appear at least 30 days before the date for receipt of proposals.