The purchase/SCM team performs two types of analysis — a general analysis of technology and a specific analysis of available products. The general analysis examines general market and technology trends. The analysis of the specific need helps select the appropriate method for purchasing and, if a buy decision is made, the appropriate suppliers.
Sources for the analysis include:
Examples of the different types of information available from suppliers include:
- Webcasts — industry experts demonstrate, discuss, and answer questions about their latest software and solutions.
- Seminars and conferences — provide insight to businesses and show how technology enhances enterprises.
- Technical chat rooms.
- Company-specific training classes or technical education — events that cover the technology behind business solutions, packaged composite applications, and integration and other applications, offered as hands-on or self-paced online training.
- Forums — show attendees how their businesses can adapt to, and profit from, changes in their industry.
- Other events — designed to educate company members, facilitate networking among colleagues and company representatives, and influence future company product releases and direction.
Market analysis can also include visits to sites, interviews with potential suppliers, and attendance at trade shows. All of these sources provide guidance in the selection of technology by providing the information useful in determining how, and with what, the Postal Service will satisfy its need.
The information that is gained through research and analysis should be collected, organized, and communicated throughout the Postal Service. Time and resources spent on analyzing technology will be reduced when completed or ongoing analysis is shared. The Postal Service uses various research services and other means to track and communicate key technology changes with the appropriate Postal Service personnel.