2-24 Review and Finalize RFPs

The preliminary RFP, which was developed during the Start Request for Proposal Development topic of the Prepare Project task of USPS Supplying Practices Process Step 2: Evaluate Sources, outlines client requirements and contract expectations. After the purchase/SCM team has conducted activities relating to the Collect Ideas and Build Fact Base and Develop Sourcing Strategy tasks of USPS Supplying Practices Process Step 2: Evaluate Sources, the RFP must be revisited (including SOO, SOW, specifications, and product descriptions) to ensure that the document is clear of loopholes and addresses all the necessary requirements and conditions of the purchase. RFPs must be amended when changes such as quantity, specifications, delivery schedule, date of receipt of proposals, or changes to clarify or correct solicitation ambiguities or defects must be made. Such amendments are made by the CO and are referenced in the Issue Amendments topic of the Perform Solicitation-Related Activities task of USPS Supplying Practices Process Step 2: Evaluate Sources. The CO is responsible for finalizing the RFP in working with the client.

A review of the preliminary RFP must ensure the following: