The SDR Official is appointed by the VP, SM, and provides a means for the Postal Service’s supplier community to lodge disagreements concerning the Postal Service’s purchasing. Business disagreements (“disagreements”) are all disputes, protests, claims, or demands that arise between potential suppliers and the Postal Service during the pre-contract-award and the contract-award phases of the purchasing process. However, the following are not categorized as disagreements and are not subject to this process: (i) disputes that arise pursuant to a contract under the CDA under section 601.109, (ii) matters concerning debarment, suspension, or ineligibility under section 601.113, or (iii) disputes that arise out of the non-renewal of transportation contracts containing other provisions for the review of such decisions. The SDR Official will review and resolve disagreements in accordance with 39 CFR 601 to ensure that the Postal Service purchases products and services that represent best value.