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Administrative Services

Directives and Forms Update

Effective immediately, Publication 223, Directives and Forms Catalog (June 1999), is revised. The tables below contain the document ID, edition date, title, national stock number (NSN), and the postal and public supply source for all new, revised, and obsolete directives and forms. Use this article to keep Publication 223 current. Information on how to order directives and forms can be found in chapter 1 of Publication 223.

IWEB = Intranet =; click onInformation, then Policies and Procedures.

WWW = USPS Web page =

PE = Postal Explorer =

F3 = F3 Fill Software.

New Directives

Document ID Edition Date Title NSN Org USPS Source Public Source
HBK AS-600 02/01 United States Postal Service Certification Practice Statement, Version 1 N/A FIN BLUE WWW
HBK MS-179 01/01 Automated Airline Assignment (AAA), Maintenance Information 7610-04-000-6872 ENG MDC R
MI PO-680-2001-1 2/14/01 Request for Special Treatment of Improperly Prepared Mail N/A DP&P HQO N/A
MOP ER-2-21-01 03/08/01 Additional Source Numbers Added to Matrix for Safety Training N/A ERM IWEB N/A
MOP ER-12-7-00 12/07/00 Settlement of Certain Equal Opportunity Complaints N/A ERM IWEB N/A
PUB 432 03/01 CONFIRM: Mail Tracking Information Using Planet Code N/A MKT HQO HQO

Revised Directives

Document ID Edition Date Title NSN Org USPS Source Public Source
HBK EL-906 03/2001 USPS and Fraternal Order of Police National Labor Council, USPS No. 2 7610-03-000-0352 LR HQO R
HBK MS-178-CHG-1 2/15/01 Change 1 to MS-178, Vol, A&D (TL-1) 7610-05-000-4312 ENG MDC R
ASM ISSUE 07/27/99 Administrative Support Manual 7610-02-000-9881 PA&EC MDC, IWEB, PE MDC
MOP IT-03-06-01 03/06/01 Section 508 Web Accessibility Guidelines N/A IT IWEB N/A
NOT 209 11/00 Mailbox Improvement Week 7610-03-000-9145 O MDC, IWEB P/F
POS Q015 01/7/01 Ancillary Service Endorsements 7690-05-000-4045 P&PD MDC N/A
POS Q130 01/7/01 First-Class Mail - Presorted Letters and Cards 7690-03-000-8911 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q132 01/7/01 First-Class Mail - Presorted Flats 7690-03-000-8912 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q140 01/7/01 First-Class Mail - Automation Letters and Cards 7690-03-000-8913 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q141 01/7/01 First-Class Mail - Automation Flats 7690-03-000-8914 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q230 01/7/01 Periodicals - Nonautomation Letters 7690-04-000-5227 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q231 01/7/01 Periodicals - Nonautomation Flats 7690-04-000-5228 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q630 01/7/01 Standard Mail (A) - Presorted Letters 7690-03-000-8915 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q632 01/7/01 Standard Mail (A) - Presorted Forms 7690-03-000-8916 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q640 01/7/01 Standard Mail (A) - Automation Letters 7690-03-000-8917 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q641 01/7/01 Standard Mail (A) - Automation Flats 7690-03-000-8918 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q810 01/7/01 Designing Letters and Cards for Automated Processing 7690-03-000-8922 P&PD MDC PBC
POS Q820 01/7/01 Designing Flats for Automated Processing 7690-03-000-8923 P&PD MDC PBC
PUB 97 11/30/01 Express Mail Manifesting Technical Guide N/A MKT IWEB WWW

Obsolete Directives

Document ID Edition Date Title Obsolete Date Replaced By
HBK AS-707-A 03/90 Contracting for Vehicle Maintenance 02/23/01 N/A
HBK AS-707-B 10/89 Contracting for Vehicle Washing and Polishing Agreements 02/23/01 N/A
HBK AS-707-C 03/91 Contracting for Vehicle Leasing 02/23/01 N/A
HBK AS-707-D 02/91 Contracting for Cleaning Services 02/23/01 N/A
HBK AS-707-E 11/90 Contracting for Coin-Operated Photocopiers 02/23/01 N/A
HBK AS-707-G 06/90 Contracting for Elevator Repair and Maintenance 02/23/01 N/A
MI EL-820-1998-3 8/24/98 Procurement of Prescription Safety Glasses 03/07/01 MI EL-810-2001-1
POS 266 12/1994 Second Notice Clerk Awareness 02/08/01 N/A
PUB 192 12/97 Celebrate the Century Poster 03/01/01 N/A

Revised Forms

Edition Date Oldest Usable Date Title NSN Where Used Unit of Issue Org USPS Source Public Source
PS 153 02/01 02/01 Signature Confirmation 7530-05-000-4046 PU EA P MDC P/F
PS 222 03/01 03/01 Statement for Postmasters and Officers in Charge 7530-03-000-9163 PS EA ERM MDC N/A
PS 3971 02/01 02/01 Request for or Notification of Absence 7530-02-000-9136 PS PD ERM MDC N/A
PS 8125 01/01 07/98 Plant-Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) Verification and Clearance 7530-02-000-7255 AC EA P&PD IWEB
PS 8125-CD 01/01 01/01 Plant-Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) Verification and Clearance - DSMS N/A PU SH P&PD HQO HQO

- Policies and Procedures Information, Public Affairs and Communications, 4-5-01


Protecting the Network Infrastructure - Restrictions on Penetration Testing

Protecting the Postal Service network infrastructure is critical to ensure that we transmit, store, and process information in a stable and confidential environment. As part of the telecommunication monitoring and control policy, only the Corporate Information Security Office can authorize intrusion detection and penetration testing on Postal Service resources. To safeguard our resources, Telecommunication Services is authorized to respond to intrusion attacks and to approve the use of sniffers on Postal Service networks.

Recently, an employee/contractor decided to "assist" the Postal Service by performing penetration testing on Postal Service systems. The Postal Service detected that unauthorized penetration through its own monitoring activity, and it investigated and took disciplinary action.

Under no circumstances are any employees or contractors authorized to conduct intrusion detection or penetration testing without having prior authorization from the Corporate Information Security Office.

If you have any questions regarding this type of activity, please contact the Corporate Information Security Office at 919-501-9350 or via cc:Mail at IS_Security.

- Corporate Information Security Office,Information Security, 4-5-01


Responding to Requests for Security Data From Outside Sources

Have you recently received a survey or questionnaire that requests information on the Postal Service information technology (IT) operating environment, relating to its security or privacy controls, its infrastructure protections, or its security architecture? These requests may be for valid and approved purposes - but it is also possible that the requester is attempting to gather data with inappropriate or malicious intentions.

Because of that possibility, only the Corporate Information Security Office is authorized to respond to or coordinate surveys from outside sources addressing the Postal Service security policies and practices, the security architecture, or other information that, if released, could jeopardize our ability to adequately protect our information resources.

If you receive any requests relating to the security of IT data, or if you have questions about what is appropriate to respond to, please contact the Corporate Information Security Office at 919-501-9350 or via cc:Mail at IS_Security.

- Corporate Information Security Office,Information Technology, 4-5-01

Customer Relations

Mail Alert

The mailings below will be deposited in the near future. Offices should honor the requested home delivery dates. Mailers wishing to participate in these alerts, for mailings of 1 million pieces or more, should contact Business Service Network Operations at 800-419-2769 at least one month preceding the requested delivery dates. The Postal Service also offers electronic Mail Alerts via ADVANCE. For more information, see the ADVANCE Notification & Tracking System Technical Guide on the Internet at ADVTECH.PDF or contact the National Customer Support Center at 800-458-3181.
Title of Mailing Class and Type of Mail Requested Delivery
Number of Pieces (Millions) Distribution Presort Level Comments
JC Penney Seasonal Best Sellers Standard A/
4/14-4/19 3.0 Nationwide Car-Rt RR Donnelley
JC Penney Anniversary Preview Standard A/
4/16-4/18 18.3 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney After Easter Certificate Standard A/
4/21-4/24 15.0 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney Anniversary Catalog Version Standard A/
4/21-4/24 7.0 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney Mothers Day Jewelry Standard A/
4/21-4/24 2.4 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney Home Decorating Standard A/
4/21-4/26 11.8 Nationwide Car-Rt RR Donnelley
- Business Service Network Operations, Sales, 4-5-01

Domestic Mail


NetPost Mailing Online for Nonprofit Standard Mail

Effective April 5, 2001, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) E670 and G091 are revised to include changes to the standards governing the experimental NetPost Mailing Online, to provide for the acceptance of mailings at Nonprofit Standard Mail rates.

These revisions will appear in the printed version of DMM Issue 57 and in the monthly update of the online DMM, which is available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

E Eligibility

E600 Standard Mail

E670 Nonprofit Standard Mail


8.1 Application

[Amend 8.1 by adding a last sentence that exempts NetPost Mailing Online customers from the requirement to obtain an additional office authorization for their mailings printed and processed at sites other than where the original authorization to mail at Nonprofit Standard Mail rates is held.]

* * * Customers who use NetPost Mailing Online are not required to file Form 3623 for their mailings to be printed and processed at sites other than where the original authorization to mail at Nonprofit Standard Mail rates is held.

G General Information

G090 Experimental Classifications and Rates

G091 NetPost Mailing Online


1.3 Mailings

[Amend 1.3 c(2) to read as follows; no other changes to text.]

Prepare mailings to be eligible for First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, and Nonprofit Standard Mail automation basic rates as required by standards in E140, E640, and M800.


2.1 Customer Responsibility

[Amend 2.1 by changing the first and second sentences to read as follows; no other changes to text.]

A customer who uses NetPost Mailing Online service is responsible for claiming the proper rate of postage, subject to the eligibility requirements contained in E100 for First- Class Mail, E600 for Standard Mail, and E600 and E670 for Nonprofit Standard Mail. If the Standard Mail rates or Nonprofit Standard Mail rates are claimed in error, the customer may be required to pay the difference between the claimed rate and the appropriate First-Class Mail or Standard Mail rate, in accordance with the terms and conditions of use for the program.

2.2 Revenue Deficiency Procedures

[Amend 2.2 to read as follows:]

If a classification decision is made by the USPS that matter was ineligible for Standard Mail or Nonprofit Standard Mail rates because of a customer's failure to meet applicable standards, the USPS may take steps to recover the deficiency amount by advising the customer that the credit card account will be billed for the difference between the rate paid and the applicable First-Class Mail rate or Standard Mail rate paid, in accordance with the terms and conditions of use for the program. At such time, the customer also will be advised that the classification decision and related revenue deficiency may be appealed by submitting a letter to the NetPost Mailing Online Program Manager (see G043 for address). If the customer appeals, NetPost Mailing Online will refer the appeal to the Rates and Classification Service Center (RCSC) in Chicago, Illinois, for a final agency decision except in the case of Nonprofit Standard Mail. An RCSC decision upholding a revenue deficiency for Nonprofit Standard Mail may be appealed through the RCSC to the anager, Mail Preparation and Standards, USPS Headquarters, for a final agency decision.


[Amend 3.0 by changing the first sentence to read as follows; no other changes to text.]

NetPost Mailing Online mailings that otherwise meet all addressing and machinability requirements for automation rates are permitted entry at automation rates without meeting required minimum volumes for First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, and Nonprofit Standard Mail mailings.***


4.1 Postage

[Amend 4.1a. to read "First-Class Mail, automation basic (letters, cards, and flats)." In addition, amend 4.1 to add the following; no other changes to text.]

d. Nonprofit Standard Mail, automation basic (letters and flats).

- Mail Preparation and Standards,Pricing and Product Design, 4-5-01


New Guidelines for Shipping Labels

Effective April 5, 2001, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) E120.1.4, M012.3.1, S918.2.1c, S918.3.3, and Exhibit S918.2.1c are revised; and Exhibits E120.1.4, M012.3.1, and S918.3.3 are added to reflect the standard guidelines for creating package shipping labels. These guidelines identify the requirements and specifications that will assist mailers in designing their shipping labels.

These revisions will appear in the printed version of DMM Issue 57 and will be included in the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

E Eligibility

E100 First-Class Mail

E120 Priority Mail

1.4 Marking

[Add the following after the existing paragraph in 1.4:]

If shipping address labels are used, it is recommended that they contain the Priority Mail service indicator composed of two elements, the service icon and service banner (see Exhibit 1.4).

(a) The service icon should appear in a 1-inch square in the upper left corner of the shipping label. The letter "P" must be printed inside the 1-inch square and must be 0.75 inches (3/4") or greater. A minimum 3/4-point line must border the 1-inch square.

(b) The service banner should appear directly below the postage payment area and the service icon, and it should extend across the shipping label. When the service banner is used, the text "USPS PRIORITY MAIL" must be printed in minimum 20-point bold sans serif typeface, uppercase letters, centered within the banner, and bordered above and below by minimum 1-point separator lines. There must be a 1/16-inch clearance above and below the text.

[Add the following Exhibit:]

Exhibit 1.4
Priority Mail Service Indicator

Pictured: Exhibit 1.4, Priority Mail Service Indicator, USPS Priority Mail.

M Mail Preparation and Sortation

M000 General Preparation Standards

M010 Mailpieces

M012 Markings and Endorsements

3.1 Basic Markings

[Add the following after the existing paragraph in 3.1:]

Optionally, the basic required marking may be printed on the shipping address label as service indicators composed of a service icon and service banner:

(a) The service icon that will identify all Package Services subclasses will be a 1-inch solid black square. If the service icon is used, it must appear in the upper left corner of the shipping label.

(b) The service banner must appear directly below the postage payment area and the service icon, and it must extend across the shipping label. If the service banner is used, the appropriate subclass marking (e.g., PARCEL POST, BOUND PRINTED MATTER, etc.) must be preceded by the text "USPS" and must be printed in minimum 20-point bold sans serif typeface, uppercase letters, centered within the banner, and bordered above and below by minimum 1-point separator lines. There must be a 1/16-inch clearance above and below the text.

[Add the following Exhibit:]

Exhibit 3.1
Package Services Indicators

Pictured: Exhibit 3.1 (1 of 2), Package Services Indicators, USPS Parcel Post.

Pictured: Exhibit 3.1 (2 of 2), Package Services Indicators, USPS Media Mail.

S Special Services

S900 Special Postal Services

S918 Delivery Confirmation


2.1 Types of Labels

Mailers may use one of the three Delivery Confirmation label options shown in 2.1. Additional information may be found in Publication 91, Delivery Confirmation Technical Guide.

[Revise 2.1c to read as follows:]

c. Privately printed barcoded labels that meet the requirements in 2.0 and 3.0 (see Exhibit 2.1c). On the Priority Mail label, mailers must use the registered trademark symbol following the Priority Mail text or add the following statement at the bottom of the label in at least Helvetica 6 point type: "Priority Mail is a registered trademark of the U.S. Postal Service."

[Revise Exhibit 2.1c as follows:]

Exhibit 2.1c
Privately Printed Label

Pictured: Exhibit 2.1c, Privately Printed Label, USPS Priority Mail.

3.3 Printing

[Replace item a with the following:]

a. Each barcoded label must bear a unique Delivery Confirmation PIC barcode as specified in 3.2. The text "USPS DELIVERY CONFIRMATION" (if using retail service option, as specified in 1.4) or "e/USPS DELIVERY CONFIRMATION" (if using electronic service option, as specified in 1.4, and the postage is evident on the mailpiece) must be printed between 1/8 inch and 1/2 inch above the barcode in minimum 12-point bold sans serif type. Additionally, mailers approved for the electronic service option, at their discretion, may print the text "ELECTRONIC RATE APPROVED #[D-U-N-S® NUMBER]" in minimum 8-point bold sans serif type directly below the bottom horizontal identification bar (see Exhibit 3.3). Human-readable characters that represent the barcode ID must be printed between 1/8 inch and 1/2 inch under the barcode in minimum 10-point bold sans serif type. These characters must be parsed in accordance with Publication 91, Confirmation Services Technical Guide. A minimum 1/8-inch clearance must be between the barcode and any printing. The preferred range of widths of narrow bars and spaces is 0.015 inch to 0.017 inch. The width of the narrow bars or spaces must be at least 0.013 inch but no more than 0.021 inch. All bars must be at least 3/4 inch high. Minimum 1/16-inch bold bars must appear between 1/8 inch and 1/2 inch above and below the human-readable endorsements to segregate the Delivery Confirmation barcode from other areas of the shipping label. The line length should extend across the width of the label but must extend the length of the barcode at a minimum (see Exhibit 2.1c). Only information relating to Delivery Confirmation and/or other special services must be placed between these lines. Mailers will be required to comply with this change by October 5, 2001.

[Add the following Exhibit]

Exhibit 3.3
Electronic Service Option Identification

Pictured: Exhibit 3.3, Electronic Service Option Identification, e/ USPS Delivery Confirmation.

- e-Business,Expedited/Package Services, 4-5-01


M-39, Management of Delivery Services, and M-41, City Delivery Carriers Duties and Responsibilities - Delivery Confirmation and Signature Capture

Effective April 5, 2001, Handbook M-39, Management of Delivery Services (Section 1), and Handbook M-41, City Delivery Carriers Duties and Responsibilities (Sections 1, 2, 3, and 6), are revised to add changes related to Delivery Confirmation and the new signature capture process. These revisions will appear in the next printed versions of Handbook M-39 and Handbook M-41, as well as in the online version available via the corporate intranet at http//

Handbook M-39, Management of Delivery Services

1 Administration of City Delivery Services

11 Introduction

111 Basic Requirements

111.2 Daily Operations

[Add item q as follows:]

q. Maintain the data collection devices and supporting infrastructure. Make sure all data collection devices are in working order and information is downloading properly.

12 Office Work Routine

127 Office Work When Carriers Return From Route

[Add item j as follows:]

j. Make sure all carriers have returned their data collection devices to the appropriate cradles and information has been downloaded.

Handbook M-41, City Delivery Carriers Duties and Responsibilities

1 General Information

12 Basic Carrier Duties

122.2 Special Services

[Revise 122.2 as follows:]

122.22 Deliver and obtain date, time of event, and signature receipts for registered, certified, Express Mail, insured, and other special services mail. Use scanning device where appropriate.

122.221 Receipt for such matter, except insured and Delivery Confirmation mail, at the Post Office before beginning route.

122.222 If applicable, account for it on return by payment of the amounts collected, delivery of receipts received, or return of the article.

2 Office Time - Preparation

[Revise the heading of 23 as follows:]

23 Data Collection of Special Services Mail

[Add 231 through 233 as follows:]

231 Preparation - In Office

Obtain and prepare the data collection device assigned to your route as established by local policy.

232 At Delivery Point

232.1 Delivery Events

At delivery point, scan/enter mailpiece or firm sheet barcode, and enter other appropriate information into the data collection device as required and instructed. If required, collect all customer signature and printed names on PS Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipts. The delivery address should be recorded on the barcoded side of PS Form 3849. Scan the barcode on PS Form 3849 after obtaining recipient signature and printed name.

232.2 Nondelivery Events

If the item cannot be delivered for any reason, scan the mailpiece barcode and enter other appropriate information into the data collection device as required and instructed. Leave completed PS Form 3849 for customer notification.

233 Return to Office

Return the data collection device assigned to your route as established by local office policy.

26 Accountable Items

[Revise the heading and text of 262 as follows:]

262 PS Form 3849 for Registered, Certified, Express Mail, Insured, and Other Special Services Mail (Exhibit 262)

262.1 Use PS Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt, for each accountable piece and numbered insured parcel or other special services item. (Minimum fee unnumbered insured parcels and Delivery Confirmation items are delivered the same as ordinary mail - no receipt is needed.) Usually prepare PS Form 3849 as you make delivery. However, enter the address in the Delivery section on the barcoded side of the form, for identification, in the office at the time articles are issued.

262.2 Place PS Form 3849 in proper separation case as a marker. Put registered articles in the pocket of satchel. DO NOT PLACE REGISTERS IN CARRIER CASE WITH OTHER MAIL OR IN RELAYS. Place insured parcels loose in satchel or in relay sack. Do not tape PS Form 3849 to mail items.

[Replace Exhibit 262 with the following:]

Exhibit 262

Pictured: Exhibit 262, PS Form 3849 for Registered, Certified, Express Mail, Insured, and Other Special Services Mail.

3 On Route

32 Delivery of Ordinary Mail Matter

322 Motorized Routes (See also Chapter 8)

[Replace exhibit 322.312b with the following:]

Exhibit 322.312b
Form 3849

Pictured: Exhibit 322.312b, Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt.

33 Delivery of Special Services Mail

332 Postage Due

[Replace Exhibit 332.2 with the following:]

Exhibit 332.2
Form 3849

Pictured: Exhibit 332.2, Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt.

333 Customs Duty Mail

[Revise 333 as follows:]

333.2 Have addressee sign on bottom line of original U.S. Customs Form 3419 and sign and print name on PS Form 3849. Sign duplicate U.S. Customs Form 3419 and deliver it with parcel to addressee. See subchapter 23 for appropriate scanning procedures.

333.3 When delivery cannot be made for any reason, complete and leave PS Form 3849 (see Exhibit 333.3 (p.1)). See subchapter 23 for appropriate scanning procedures. Endorse the articles with the reason for nondelivery such as No Funds, enter the date and your initials on the article, and return it with both copies of U.S. Customs Form 3419 (see Exhibit 333.3 (p. 2)) to delivery unit.

[Replace Exhibit 333.3 (p.1) with the following:]

Exhibit 333.3 (p.1)
Form 3849

Pictured: Exhibit 333.3 (p. 1), Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt.

[Replace Exhibit 333.3 (p.2) with the following:]

Exhibit 333.3 (p.2)
Customs Form 3419

Pictured: Exhibit 333.3 (p. 2), Customs Form 3419.

334 CODs

[Revise 334 as follows:]

334.1 Detach COD tag, PS Form 3816, COD Mailing and Delivery Receipt, if addressee has indicated he or she will pay for and accept the COD parcel and have addressee sign PS Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt. See subchapter 23 for appropriate scanning procedures.

[Replace Exhibit 334.3 with the following:]

Exhibit 334.3

Pictured: Exhibit 334.3, Form 3816, COD Mailing and Delivery Receipt.

334.4 When delivery cannot be made for any reason, complete and leave PS Form 3849. See subchapter 23 for appropriate scanning procedures. Endorse the article with the reason for nondelivery, enter the date and your initials on the article, and return the parcel with tag intact to the delivery unit (see Exhibit 334.4).

[Replace Exhibit 334.4 with the following:]

Exhibit 334.4

Pictured: Exhibit 334.4, Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt.

[Revise the heading and text of 335 as follows:]

335 Insured, Registered, Certified, Express Mail, and Other Special Services

335.1 Delivering and Taking Receipt (Exhibit 335.1 (p. 1 and 2))

335.11 Deliver numbered insured parcels, registered articles, certified letters, and other special services items to addressee or anyone authorized to receive mail for addressee:

a. Require the person to show identification if not known, and to sign and print name on PS Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt, before delivery when applicable.

b. Deliver articles entered on PS Form 3883, Firm Delivery Receipt for Accountable Mail and Bulk Delivery Mail, after obtaining a signature of addressee or agent on PS Form 3849. (Deliver the duplicate PS Form 3883 with the articles.)

c. Prepare PS Form 3883 for numbered insured and other special services items only when there are six or more articles for the same addressee. Include Delivery Confirmation on PS Form 3883 if the six-article requirement has already been met.

d. Deliver minimum fee unnumbered insured and Delivery Confirmation articles the same as any ordinary mail. No receipt is needed.

e. See subchapter 23 for appropriate scanning procedures.

[Replace Exhibits 335.1 (p.1) and 335.1 (p.2) with the following:]

Exhibit 335.1 (p. 1)

Pictured: Exhibits 335.1 (p.1 and 2), Delivering and Taking Receipt.

Exhibit 335.1 (p. 2)

Pictured: Exhibit 335.1 (p.2), Form 3883, USPS Film Delivery Receipt for Accountable and Bulk Delivery Mail.

335.2 Leaving Notice

When delivery of numbered insured, registered, certified, or other special services articles cannot be made for any reason, complete and leave PS Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt. Endorse the article with the reason for nondelivery, such as No Response; enter route number and the date; initial on article; and return it to the delivery unit.

[Add 338 as follows:]

338 Delivery Confirmation

338.1 Delivering

Scan Delivery Confirmation items, and deliver them the same as ordinary mail items. See subchapter 23 for appropriate scanning procedures.

338.2 Leaving Notice

When delivery of a Delivery Confirmation item cannot be made for any reason, complete and leave PS Form 3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt, and endorse the mail item. If a data collection device is available, see subchapter 23 for appropriate scanning procedures. If a data collection device is not available, write the event, date, and time on the mailpiece, and return it to the appropriate location when you return to the office.

6 Parcel Post

63 Route Procedures

631 Delivery of Parcel Post

631.4 Obtain receipts and collect funds and data as explained in chapter 3 for special services mail. If a data collection device has been assigned to your route, see subchapter 23 for appropriate scanning procedures.

631.7 See subchapter 23 for appropriate scanning procedures.

- Delivery Policies and Programs, Delivery, 4-5-01

Delivery Policy - Pickup Service Vs Collection Service

This article clarifies the difference between pickup service and collection service, so that the pickup fee (as described in section D010 of the Domestic Mail Manual) is charged, as required, in appropriate circumstances.

Pickup Service

Pickup service is a fee-based service available for Express Mail service (domestic and international), Priority Mail service, and single-piece rate Parcel Post. The mail must be prepaid, although permit imprint mail may be picked up when prepared under a manifest mailing system and the pickup is approved in the manifest agreement. The term prepaid refers to uncanceled stamps, metered postage, Express Mail Corporate Account, Merchandise Return label, and Business Reply label.

Pickup Service covers two basic scenarios:

1. On-call Pickup Service is provided for customers the same day as their request. This service is available only from designated offices with city delivery.

2. Scheduled Pickup Service is provided to customers who enter into a service agreement with the Postal Service that specifies the time, place, day or date, frequency of the service, and approximate volume per pickup. This service is available at Post Offices with city delivery and other Post Offices where the customer's address is on the line of travel. The time of the pickup must be within the regular business hours for an office with city delivery and within the regular delivery period of a rural route or highway contract route.

Collection Service

Collection service is scheduled with consideration for customer convenience, volume, and enroute travel of the delivery employee. This service usually refers to prepaid mail deposited in a collection box. However, it is also considered collection service when customers hand their outgoing, prepaid mail that is ready and available to a carrier or other designated employee while that employee is performing normal delivery and collection duties.

It is important to distinguish between pickup and collection service mail that is scheduled for pickup at the customer's request, especially on a regular basis. The fact that a customer makes a request does not mandate that a fee be charged. The deciding factor is whether the pickup caused a special trip to the customer's location.

More specifically, the fee is charged when the pickup is at the request of the customer and either a special trip or deviation from the carrier's/collection employee's route is required to obtain the mail. (The fee is not charged when the "pickup" occurs as part of the regularly scheduled delivery or collection process.)

One other consideration is the difficulty of depositing packages in normal collection boxes. These collection boxes do not allow for medium- or large-size packages to be deposited and have a limited capacity for a customer who may have a medium to large volume of smaller packages. In addition, the Aviation Mail Security policy, which was established to protect employees, air transportation, and the traveling public, requires that our customers directly deposit, by hand, domestic First-Class Mail service and Priority Mail service packages weighing 16 ounces or more to a retail clerk or Postal Service representative/agent when postage is paid with uncanceled stamps. Aviation Mail Security policy also requires that international mail with stamps, meter, or PC postage must be presented directly to a retail clerk or Postal Service representative/agent.

Therefore, packages that can be collected from locations in immediate proximity to a collection box, on a scheduled basis, and at the same time of day displayed on the collection box should be considered part of the collection point, and no pickup fee should be assessed. For these purposes, immediate proximity is defined as:

· A stop that does not require the carrier/collector to move his or her vehicle, or

· A stop that can be handled during the carrier's/collector's normal line of travel.

This policy is in concert with long-standing arrangements that allow commercial mailers with regular and available mailings to be included on evening and/or business collection trips. These arrangements enhance our ability to get collection mail earlier and in a controlled fashion to the origin processing facility.

The table below serves as a reference guide.

Customer Request Collection Scenario
(No pickup fee)
Pickup Scenario
(Pickup fee)
Customer requests On-call Pickup Service. Advise customers that, as long as volume does not exceed the capacity of the carrier's vehicle, all prepaid and available mail may be given to the carrier at the time of delivery. If the customer's request will require a separate trip, due to time of day, volume, and/or customer's location, then pickup is scheduled and a fee is charged.
Customer requests Scheduled Pickup Service or daily pickup. Advise customers that, providing the volume does not exceed the capacity of the carrier's vehicle, all prepaid and available mail may be given to the carrier at the time of delivery. If the request is for a time after the scheduled delivery, but the location of the pickup is enroute for the carrier's return, consideration must be given to adding that location as a collection point. If the caller's request will require a separate trip, due to the time of day, volume, and/or customer's location, the request must be recorded and scheduled on a daily basis. The fee is charged for each occurrence, and an agreement outlining the responsibilities for both parties must be written and signed by both the customer and the Postal Service facility manager.
Assumptions: Mail pieces are Express Mail service, Priority Mail service, or single-piece Parcel Post.

- Delivery Policies and Programs, Delivery, 4-5-01



New Finance Forms

Effective April 5, 2001, five (5) new PS forms have been posted on the Program Office portion (password protected) of the POS ONE Information Store Web site on the Postal Service Intranet at The following are the five new forms for POS ONE offices:

· PS 3294-C, Cash Credit Count and Summary (for cash credit counts)

· PS 3294-P, Cash and Stamp Stock Count and Summary (revised to include Segmented Inventory Accountability (SIA) and Retail Store floor stock counts)

· PS 3368-P, Accountability Examination Record (revised)

· PS 3369-P, Consigned Credit Receipt (revised)

· PS 3582-P, BRM/Postage Due Invoice (revised for POS ONE sites only with BRM/Postage Due accounts; instructions in Postal Bulletin 22041, dated 1-11-01, page 22).

These forms were sent via cc:Mail as POS ONE communications to all area and district coordinators. The forms are in .pdf file format and can be viewed on Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Handbook F-1, Post Office Accounting Procedures, will be revised at a later date to incorporate the new and revised forms.

- Finance, Post Office Accounting, 4-5-01

Fraud Alert

Withholding of Mail Orders

Withholding of mail orders is enforced by postmasters at the cities listed below:
State/City Names Covered
AZ, Phoenix 85028-3348 Euro-Jet Express, 3420 E. Shea Boulevard, PMB 200 And
TX, Arlington 76006-7340 Euro-Jet Express, 2000 East Lamar Boulevard, PMB 600
CA, Merced 95340-5561 Any And All Various Names Other Than David Elwartoski, Lupe Yglesias, Rose Yglesias, Jose Partida And Maria Partida, 1817 Amber Court
CA, Planada 95365-0044 Any And All Various Names Other Than Rafaela Soto, P.O. Box 44
CA, Winton 95388-9312 Any And All Various Names Other Than The Surname Verver, 7125 Vine Avenue
MD, Finksburg 21048-0653 Any And All Of Various Names Other Than The Name Steven Edward Reeping,
P.O. Box 653
MI, Lansing 48915-1821 Any And All Of Various Names Other Than The Surname Of Chapman, 229 Lahoma
MO, Cape Girardeau 63701-2224 Any And All Of Various Names Other Than The Surname Parkinson, 1530 Grandview
MO, St. Louis 63118-3215 Any And All Of Various Names Other Than The Name Annette Gonzolas, 3328 Lemp,
1st Floor Front
MO, St. Louis 63115-3053 Any And All Of Various Names Other Than The Surnames Of Young, Brown, Or Murphy,
4560 Or 4560A Fair
- Recorder's Office, Judicial Officer, 4-5-01


Counterfeit United States Postal Money Orders

In Postal Bulletin 22025 (6-1-00, page 16), Item 10 concerning identification was incorrectly reported. The correct text for Item 10 is as follows:

Obtain one of the following photograph-bearing documents: driver's license; state-issued, nondriver identification; passport (foreign or domestic); or military identification card. If none of these are presented, then record the issuer's name from two of the following documents: credit card (no credit card numbers) and another credential showing a signature.

- Postal Inspection Service, 4-5-01