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William J. Henderson
Postmaster General, CEO


Enhancement of Whistleblower Protection for Postal Employees

I have directed the Postal Service to begin immediately enhancing whistleblower protection to ensure that postal employees have protection similar to other federal employees under the Whistleblower Protection Act. The Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) subsection 668.118 and related sections contain policies and procedures on whistleblower protection that must be enhanced.

The overall of these enhancements will be:
No one may take or fail to take a personal action, or threaten to do so, with respect to any employee or applicant for employment because the employees or applicant discloses information that he or she believes evidences:

a. A violation of any law, rule, or regulation or
b. A gross waste of funds, gross mismanagement, an abuse of authority, or an substantial and specific danger to public health and safety.

Disclosure of information that is specifically prohibited by law does not carry the protection described above. However, no disclosure under a. and b. above, if made to the Inspector General of the Postal Service, is prohibited by law.

The Postal Service shall pursue changes to whistleblower protection policies and procedures that will provide for the investigation of reprisal complaints and resolution by an independent decision-maker if the parties cannot resolve the complaint.

When promulgated, I am confident that these policies and procedures will enhance whistleblower protection for all our employees.

William J. Henderson

475 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington DC 20260-0010