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Administrative Services


Use of Signature Devices

Effective August 9, 2001, Administrative Support Manual (ASM) 13 is revised to include new section 112.4, Use of Signature Devices. This change reflects the responsibilities for delegating and managing use of signature devices. The new policy and implementation procedures are intended to address the security issues involved with authorizing use of automatic signature machines, signature stamps, and digitized signatures.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of ASM 14 and into an incremental update of the online ASM 13, accessible through the Policies and Procedures page of the Postal Service Intranet at; click on Manuals.

Administrative Support Manual (ASM)

1 Postal Organization

112 Delegations of Authority

[Add new section 112.4 as follows:]

112.4 Use of Signature Devices

112.41 General

This provides policy and procedures to establish and manage signature devices used in the Postal Service. It requires Postal Service officers, executives, and managers to authorize the use of such devices that reproduce their signatures, to delegate in writing the authority to use them, and to control and monitor their use.

112.42 Policy

Postal Service officers, executives, and managers are responsible and accountable for the security and uses of devices containing reproductions of their signatures. They must determine the appropriate use of each device and establish a process to manage the use, which must include written delegation of authority to specified individuals for use of each device. These devices may not be used to sign contracts or interagency agreements or to commit the Postal Service to any expenditure of more than $10,000 (see the Postal Service Purchasing Manual).

112.43 Scope

112.431 Devices Covered

Signature devices covered by this policy include:

a. Automatic signature machines.

b. Signature stamps.

c. Digitized signatures (e.g., scanned images of handwritten signatures, which are stored in computers and applied electronically to documents).

d. Photocopiers, printers, or other mechanisms when used to apply a signature; this does not apply to duplication of documents that already bear a signature.

112.432 Devices Not Covered

This policy does not cover digital or electronic signatures. To use a signature device or technology not listed in 112.431, you must send a request to the Corporate Information Security Office for review and the chief information officer for approval. These may include solutions based on digital (not digitized) signatures, biometrics, or other devices or technologies that generate a signature and apply it electronically to a document.

112.44 Responsibility

112.441 Officers, Executives, and Managers

Postal Service officers, executives, and managers are responsible for complying with the policy and procedures for delegating signature authority.

112.442 Corporate Information Security Office

The Corporate Information Security Office is responsible for reviewing requests for all new technology signature solutions.

112.443 Chief Information Officer

The chief information officer is responsible for approving use of any signature devices or technologies not covered in 112.431.

112.45 Procedures for Managing Use of Signature Devices

112.451 Obtain Approval

The officer, executive, or manager whose signature will be put on a document by a signature device must do the following:

a. Prepare a written request defining the number and types of signature devices, the conditions under which each device will be used, and the controls and monitoring to be implemented.

b. Submit the written request to his or her manager for approval.

112.452 Delegate a Signature Solution Authority

Upon obtaining approval for a signature solution, the requester will issue a written delegation of authority to the individual authorized to affix his or her signature. That delegation:

a. Defines the conditions under which the signature device is to be used.

b. Identifies the period of time during which the authorized individual may use the signature device.

c. Identifies the security practices that will be implemented to prevent unauthorized use of the signature device.

112.453 Protect the Signature Device

The requester must ensure that the signature device is protected from unauthorized use. Recommended controls include:

a. For automatic signature machines and signature stamps, secure the signature device under lock and key when it is not in use or not actively assigned.

b. For digitized signatures, wipe or encrypt the file until the digitized signature is reissued for subsequent use. Protections may include:

(1) Setting directory or file permissions.

(2) Encrypting files to restrict access to only authorized users.

112.454 Record the Use of Signature Devices

Individuals authorized to use a signature device should maintain an electronic or paper log sufficient to monitor and audit the use of the signature device. The log should contain the following information:

a. Signature control number, which is a unique number that identifies each authorized use. (A batch of documents - e.g., general announcements, routine correspondence, mass mailings - may be recorded as a single use, provided that the number of documents constituting the batch is recorded.)

b. Time and date of use.

c. Description of document(s) signed.

d. Name of authorized individual applying the signature.

112.46 Record Retention Periods

Records relating to the use of signature devices will be retained as follows:

a. Approved requests to use signature devices must be retained by the officer, executive, or manager until one year after the signature device is deactivated.

b. Delegations of authority must be retained by the individual authorized to use the signature device for one year beyond expiration of authority (or by the manager if that individual vacates the position before that time).

c. The log or record of use of the signature device must be retained for one year beyond the application of signature.

- Corporate Information Security Office,Information Technology, 8-9-01

Child Alert Program

August 2001

Have You Seen Any of These Children?

Please participate in the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program. Tear out this page and carry itwith you. If you have information on any of these missing children, tell your postal supervisor.

Missing Children Poster

Shoshana Black

Born: 10-21-94

Date Missing: 8-1-97

Missing From: Holbrook, MA

Dakota Cousimano

Born: 8-29-95

Date Missing: 3-1-00

Missing From: Pasadena, TX

Dillon Cousimano

Born: 2-26-98

Date Missing: 3-1-00

Missing From: Pasadena, TX

Stephanie Mena

Born: 1-22-85

Date Missing: 2-9-01

Missing From: Pomona, CA

Ciarra Gallon

Born: 3-18-86

Date Missing: 6-8-01

Missing From: Miami, FL

Matthew Fisher

Born: 9-3-84

Date Missing: 6-7-01

Missing From: Neelyvile, MO

Please call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Hot Line 1-800-843-5678
TDD 1-800-826-7653

Missing Children Poster Display Instructions

Please display this poster prominently on bulletin boards in retail lobbies of main post offices, classified stations, and branches. Operators of contract postal units may display this poster at their option.

Companion posters, authorized for display on bulletin boards maintained by employee organizations, appear periodically in The Postal Record, a publication for members of the National Association of Letter Carriers.

This poster is published in cooperation with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the United States Department of Justice, and the National Association of Letter Carriers. Information appearing on this poster is selected solely by NCMEC.

In addition to Postal Bulletin updates, NCMEC distributes information via broadcast fax. Notification of newly reported missing children is sent to designated district "Missing Children" coordinators at fax numbers provided by district managers. Within 24 hours of receipt of a facsimile Missing Children poster, district coordinators should distribute copies to all postal facilities in their districts. Missing Children posters are to be displayed for 30 days in post office lobbies, workroom floor areas, and other postal facilities, unless notification is received (from NCMEC) to remove a particular poster sooner. The broadcast fax network is used to distribute posters and information in only the most urgent cases of missing and exploited children. This system supplements, but does not replace, the missing children information in this Postal Bulletin.

Missing Children posters are available to the U.S. Postal Service only as described above. If postal employees are contacted by individuals or local agencies about displaying a sign or poster of a missing child in local post offices, the individual or agency should be politely informed that the U.S. Postal Service displays only those posters provided by NCMEC, because it has been designated by the U.S. Department of Justice to be the national clearinghouse and resource center for missing and exploited children. The individual or agency should then be referred to NCMEC at 1-800-843-5678.

August 2001

Have You Seen Any of These Children?

Please participate in the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program. Tear out this page and carry itwith you. If you have information on any of these missing children, tell your postal supervisor.

Missing Children Poster

Bobbie Sperry

Born: 7-29-84

Date Missing: 4-15-01

Missing From: Mountain Home, AR

April Wiss

Born: 9-1-83

Date Missing: 1-11-00

Missing From: Wichita, KS

Lorenzo Yacarini

Born: 6-30-97

Date Missing: 9-13-98

Missing From: Martinez, CA

Crystal Benoit

Born: 7-24-84

Date Missing: 11-14-00

Missing From: Sulphur, LA

Mary Miner

Born: 11-11-83

Date Missing: 1-24-01

Missing From: Louisville, OH

Kevin Wilmoth

Born: 12-24-85

Date Missing: 12-11-00

Missing From: Chester, VA

Please call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Hot Line 1-800-843-5678
TDD 1-800-826-7653

Missing Children Poster Display Instructions

Please display this poster prominently on bulletin boards in retail lobbies of main post offices, classified stations, and branches. Operators of contract postal units may display this poster at their option.

Companion posters, authorized for display on bulletin boards maintained by employee organizations, appear periodically in The Postal Record, a publication for members of the National Association of Letter Carriers.

This poster is published in cooperation with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the United States Department of Justice, and the National Association of Letter Carriers. Information appearing on this poster is selected solely by NCMEC.

In addition to Postal Bulletin updates, NCMEC distributes information via broadcast fax. Notification of newly reported missing children is sent to designated district "Missing Children" coordinators at fax numbers provided by district managers. Within 24 hours of receipt of a facsimile Missing Children poster, district coordinators should distribute copies to all postal facilities in their districts. Missing Children posters are to be displayed for 30 days in post office lobbies, workroom floor areas, and other postal facilities, unless notification is received (from NCMEC) to remove a particular poster sooner. The broadcast fax network is used to distribute posters and information in only the most urgent cases of missing and exploited children. This system supplements, but does not replace, the missing children information in this Postal Bulletin.

Missing Children posters are available to the U.S. Postal Service only as described above. If postal employees are contacted by individuals or local agencies about displaying a sign or poster of a missing child in local post offices, the individual or agency should be politely informed that the U.S. Postal Service displays only those posters provided by NCMEC, because it has been designated by the U.S. Department of Justice to be the national clearinghouse and resource center for missing and exploited children. The individual or agency should then be referred to NCMEC at 1-800-843-5678.

August 2001

Have You Seen Any of These Children?

Please participate in the NALC/USPS Child Alert Program. Tear out this page and carry itwith you. If you have information on any of these missing children, tell your postal supervisor.

Missing Children Poster

Khalid Omar

Born: 8-13-93

Date Missing: 7-31-00

Missing From: Fairfax, VA

Tariq Omar

Born: 3-30-92

Date Missing: 7-31-00

Missing From: Fairfax, VA

Please call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Hot Line 1-800-843-5678
TDD 1-800-826-7653

Missing Children Poster Display Instructions

Please display this poster prominently on bulletin boards in retail lobbies of main post offices, classified stations, and branches. Operators of contract postal units may display this poster at their option.

Companion posters, authorized for display on bulletin boards maintained by employee organizations, appear periodically in The Postal Record, a publication for members of the National Association of Letter Carriers.

This poster is published in cooperation with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the United States Department of Justice, and the National Association of Letter Carriers. Information appearing on this poster is selected solely by NCMEC.

In addition to Postal Bulletin updates, NCMEC distributes information via broadcast fax. Notification of newly reported missing children is sent to designated district "Missing Children" coordinators at fax numbers provided by district managers. Within 24 hours of receipt of a facsimile Missing Children poster, district coordinators should distribute copies to all postal facilities in their districts. Missing Children posters are to be displayed for 30 days in post office lobbies, workroom floor areas, and other postal facilities, unless notification is received (from NCMEC) to remove a particular poster sooner. The broadcast fax network is used to distribute posters and information in only the most urgent cases of missing and exploited children. This system supplements, but does not replace, the missing children information in this Postal Bulletin.

Missing Children posters are available to the U.S. Postal Service only as described above. If postal employees are contacted by individuals or local agencies about displaying a sign or poster of a missing child in local post offices, the individual or agency should be politely informed that the U.S. Postal Service displays only those posters provided by NCMEC, because it has been designated by the U.S. Department of Justice to be the national clearinghouse and resource center for missing and exploited children. The individual or agency should then be referred to NCMEC at 1-800-843-5678.

Customer Relations

Mail Alert

The mailings below will be deposited in the near future. Offices should honor the requested home delivery dates. Mailers wishing to participate in these alerts, for mailings of 1 million pieces or more, should contact Business Service Network Operations at 800-419-2769 at least one month preceding the requested delivery dates. The Postal Service also offers electronic Mail Alerts via ADVANCE. For more information, see the ADVANCE Notification & Tracking System Technical Guide on the Internet at or contact the National Customer Support Center at 800-458-3181.
Title of Mailing Class and Type of Mail Requested Delivery
Number of Pieces (Millions) Distribution Presort Level Comments
JC Penney Hottest Sale of the Year Standard/Flat 8/13-8/15 14.9 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney Hottest Sale of the Year PC Standard/Postcard 8/13-8/15 3.7 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
Seventh Avenue Standard/Flat 8/13-8/16 2.3 Nationwide Car-Rt, 3-Digit, Basic, Barcoded IMS, Monroe, WI
Billy Graham Letter Standard/Letter 8/13-8/24 2.2 Nationwide 3/5-Digit, Basic, Barcoded Minneapolis, MN; 3 7/8" x 7 1/8" envelope
JC Penney Avon Launch Standard/Flat 8/16-8/18 1.0 Nationwide Car-Rt Avon Mailing
JC Penney Fashion Influences - Fall Standard/Flat 8/17-8/20 2.0 Nationwide Car-Rt Quebecorworld
Midnight Velvet Standard/Flat 8/20-8/23 1.8 Nationwide Car-Rt, 3/5-Digit, Basic, Barcoded IMS, Monroe, WI
JC Penney Invite Follow-up Standard/Postcard 8/22-8/24 6.6 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney Christmas Book Standard/Flat 8/25-8/28 11.4 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
- Business Service Network Operations, Sales, 8-9-01

Domestic Mail


Mail Preparation Changes for First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, and Bound Printed Matter Flats

Employees are reminded that, effective September 1, 2001, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) modules E and M are amended to implement a number of mail preparation changes. These amendments were first published in Postal Bulletin 22052 (6-14-01, pages 15-24). Employees should be working with customers to make them aware of the new requirements. Any questions can be directed to the district manager of business mail entry.

The changes are as follows:

1. Packages of First-Class Mail Presorted rate flats and automation rate flats that are part of the same mailing job and reported on the same postage statement must be co-trayed according to the standards in DMM M910.

2. Packages of Standard Mail Presorted rate flats and automation rate flats that are part of the same mailing job and reported on the same postage statement must be co-sacked according to the standards in DMM M910.

3. Packages of Standard Mail Enhanced Carrier Route flats and Presorted 5-digit flats must be sacked or palletized using the labeling list L001 scheme sort. This includes the scheme sorts in the optional preparation methods in DMM M920, M930, and M940.

4. Packages of Bound Printed Matter Carrier Route flats and Presorted 5-digit flats must be sacked or palletized using the labeling list L001 scheme sort.

These changes are outlined in detail below by class of mail. The DMM language appeared in Postal Bulletin 22052; we will incorporate it into the printed version of DMM Issue 57 and the September 1 update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

The September 1 implementation date allows presort software vendors time to update and distribute software to their customers and includes time for installation and testing of the software. PAVE-certified software is not required to sort Standard Mail and Bound Printed Matter flats using labeling list L001. For mailings that are co-trayed or co- sacked under M910, documentation produced by PAVE- certified software or standardized documentation under P012 must be submitted with each mailing job. Use of PAVE-certified software is required for the advanced merging preparation options in M920, M930, and M940, which include the L001 scheme sort.

The changes, by class of mail, are as follows:

1. First-Class Mail

Required Co-Traying

Since January 7, 2001, mailers have had the option to use M910 to co-tray packages of Presorted rate flats and automation rate flats that are part of the same mailing job (see M130.1.6 and M820.1.9). This revision changes that option into a requirement. Therefore, effective September 1, 2001, any First- Class Mail mailing job that contains packages of Presorted rate flats and packages of automation rate flats and is reported on a single postage statement must be co-trayed using M910.1.0.

2. Standard Mail

a. Scheme Sort

Currently, Standard Mail Enhanced Carrier Route flats are sorted to two required sack levels and one optional sort level (required carrier route, optional 5-digit scheme carrier routes using labeling list L001, and required 5-digit carrier routes) (see M620.4.0). This revision changes the optional sort level into a required sort level. Therefore, effective September 1, 2001, all Enhanced Carrier Route Standard Mail flats must be sorted to all three required sack levels (carrier route, 5-digit scheme carrier routes, and 5-digit carrier routes).

Current M620.4.0 combines the preparation standards for flats and irregular parcels into one section. Because the L001 scheme sort will be required for flats but not for irregular parcels, the current single section has been split into two sections: one for flats (M620.4.0) and one for irregular parcels (M620.5.0). There are no mail preparation changes for irregular parcels.

Currently, mailers have the option to use the L001 scheme sort for packages of Standard Mail Enhanced Carrier Route flats and 5-digit packages of Presorted flats on pallets (see M045.3.2). This revision changes the two optional sort levels using labeling list L001 (5-digit scheme carrier routes and 5-digit scheme) into required sort levels. Therefore, effective September 1, 2001, packages of carrier route rate flats on pallets must be sorted to 5-digit scheme carrier routes pallets as the first sort level, and 5-digit packages of Presorted flats must be sorted to 5-digit scheme pallets as the first sort level.

Under the advanced preparation options in M920, M930, and M940, mailers currently have the option of sorting Standard Mail packages with or without using the L001 scheme sort. This revision eliminates the "non-L001" sort (current M920.2.4, M920.2.6, M930.2.4, and M940.2.4). Therefore, effective September 1, 2001, mailers sorting Standard Mail flats under M920, M930, or M940 will be required to use the L001 scheme sort.

These changes apply to regular and nonprofit Standard Mail flats.

b. Required Co-Sacking

Since January 7, 2001, mailers have had the option to use M910 to co-sack packages of Pre- sorted rate flats and packages of automation rate flats that are part of the same mailing job (see M610.1.5 and M820.1.9). This revision changes that option into a requirement. Therefore, effective September 1, 2001, any Standard Mail mailing job that contains packages of Presorted rate flats and packages of automation rate flats and is reported on a single postage statement must be co-sacked using M910.3.0.

These changes apply to regular and nonprofit Standard Mail flats.

3. Bound Printed Matter

Scheme Sort

Currently, Bound Printed Matter Carrier Route flats are sorted to two required sack levels and one optional sort level (required carrier route, optional 5-digit scheme carrier routes using labeling list L001, and required 5-digit carrier routes) (see M723.2.3). This revision changes the optional sort level into a required sort level. Therefore, effective September 1, 2001, all Bound Printed Matter Carrier Route flats must be sorted to all three required sack levels (carrier route, 5-digit scheme carrier routes, and 5-digit carrier routes).

Currently, mailers have the option to use the L001 scheme sort for packages of Bound Printed Matter Carrier Route flats and 5-digit packages of Presorted flats on pallets (M045.3.3). This revision changes the two optional sort levels (5-digit scheme carrier routes and 5-digit scheme) into required sort levels. Therefore, effective September 1, 2001, packages of carrier route rate flats on pallets must be sorted to 5-digit scheme carrier routes pallets as the first sort level, and 5-digit packages of Presorted flats must be sorted to 5-digit scheme pallets as the first sort level.

There are no other mail preparation changes for Bound Printed Matter.

- Mail Preparation and Standards,Pricing and Product Design, 8-9-01


Upcoming Mail Preparation Changes

The table below summarizes upcoming mail preparation changes that have been published in the Postal Bulletin or are currently included in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM). Employees should begin working with customers as soon as possible to ensure that mailers are aware of these changes.

This list will be published periodically in the Postal Bulletin. Employees with questions about these changes should contact their district manager of business mail entry.

The DMM is updated online once a month and is available via the Postal Explorer Web site at

Effective Date Type of Mail Mail Preparation Change DMM Reference
September 1, 2001 First-Class Mail flats Any First-Class Mail mailing job that contains packages of Presorted rate flats and packages of automation rate flats and is reported on a single postage statement must be co-trayed using M910.1.0. Published in PB 22052 (6-14-01). M910.1.0
September 1, 2001 Standard Mail Enhanced Carrier Route flats in sacks The 5-digit scheme carrier routes sack level (using labeling list L001) changes from an optional sort level to a required sort level. Published in PB 22052 (6-14-01). M620.4.0
September 1, 2001 Standard Mail Enhanced Carrier Route flats on pallets The 5-digit scheme carrier routes and 5-digit scheme pallet levels (using labeling list L001) change from optional sort levels to required sort levels. Published in PB 22052 (6-14-01). M045.3.2
September 1, 2001 Standard Mail flats Any Standard Mail mailing job that contains packages of Presorted rate flats and packages of automation rate flats and is reported on a single postage statement must be co-trayed using M910.3.0. Published in PB 22052 (6-14-01). M910.3.0
September 1, 2001 Bound Printed Matter carrier route flats in sacks The 5-digit scheme carrier routes sack level (using labeling list L001) changes from an optional sort level to a required sort level. Published in PB 22052 (6-14-01). M723.2.3
September 1, 2001 Bound Printed Matter carrier route flats on pallets The 5-digit scheme carrier routes and 5-digit scheme pallet levels (using labeling list L001) change from optional sort levels to required sort levels. Published in PB 22052 (6-14-01). M045.3.3
October 5, 2001 Delivery Confirmation Privately printed Delivery Confirmation labels for electronic option must meet the label requirements revised in PB 22047 (4-5-01) and PB 22053 (6-28-01). S918.3.3, S919.3.3
January 1, 2002 Media Mail Discontinue using "Special Standard Mail" (or "SPEC STD") marking. After January 1, 2002, all mailers must use "Media Mail." M012.3.1
January 1, 2002 Library Mail Discontinue using "Library Rate" marking. After January 1, 2002, all mailers must use "Library Mail." M012.3.1
January 1, 2002 Presorted Bound Printed Matter Discontinue using "Presorted Standard" (or "PRSRT STD") marking. After January 1, 2002, all mailers must use "Presorted" (or "PRSRT"). M012.3.3
January 10, 2004 Standard Mail and Package Services machinable parcels Discontinue using USS Code 128, USS Code I 2/5, and USS Code 39 barcode symbologies. After January 10, 2004, only the UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode symbology may be used. C850.1.2

- Mail Preparation and Standards, Pricing and Product Design, 8-9-01

Fraud Alert


Foreign Order No. 457

Keep all foreign order notices for use as reference.

Tentative Order

A Tentative Lottery Order has been issued against the following:

The Netherlands

PO BOX 3051

Do not dispatch any mail to the above. Place the mailpieces in a pouch endorsed "Foreign Order Mail" and send it to:

NEW YORK NY 10199-9652

Do not place any endorsement on the mailpieces themselves.

Personnel may post this notice at the outgoing primary. They must post it on the Foreign Order Board at all Processing and Distribution Plants, designated international exchange offices, and Customer Service Plants.

- Recorder's Office, Judicial Officer, 8-9-01

Withholding of Mail Orders

Withholding of mail orders is enforced by the postmasters at the cities listed below:
State/City Names Covered
AZ, Phoenix 85032-5581 Sara E. Burton, 13835 N. Tatum Road, Ste. 9-159
MI, Benton Harbor 49022-7928 Any And All Names Other Than The Names Jacqueline Or Jeremy Burrell, 2116 Lawrence Drive
PA, Penn Run 15765-0396 Any And All Names, Box 396
PA, Penn Run 15765-0353 Any And All Names, Box 353
- Recorder's Office, Judicial Officer, 8-9-01