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Customer Relations

Mail Alert

The mailings below will be deposited in the near future. Offices should honor the requested home delivery dates. Mailers wishing to participate in these alerts, for mailings of 1 million pieces or more, should contact Business Service Network Operations at 800-419-2769 at least one month preceding the requested delivery dates. The Postal Service also offers electronic Mail Alerts via ADVANCE. For more information, see the ADVANCE Notification & Tracking System Technical Guide on the Internet at or contact the National Customer Support Center at 800-458-3181.
Title of Mailing Class and Type of Mail Requested Delivery
Number of Pieces (Millions) Distribution Presort Level Comments
Seventh Avenue Standard/Flat 8/27-8/30 2.3 Nationwide Car-Rt, 3/5-Digit, Basic, Barcode Quad Graphics, Lomira, WI; catalog has a die cut cover and a personalized (address) under wrap
The Sportsman's Guide Standard/Flat 8/27-8/31 1.4 Nationwide Car-Rt, 3/5-Digit Quad Graphics,
Martinsburg, WV
DECISION Magazine Standard/Flat 8/27-9/1 1.2 Nationwide Car-Rt, 3/5-Digit, Basic, Barcode Minneapolis, MN;
8" x 10-5/8", 44 pages
Sally Beauty Supply Standard/Letter 8/29-8/31 2.5 Nationwide Car-Rt, 3/5-Digit The Mail Box, Dallas, TX
The Home Depot Standard/Flat 8/29-8/31 13.0 Nationwide Walk Sequence American Color Graphics, Pittsburg, CA, Lufkin, TX, Marengo, IA, Sylacauga, AL, York, PA
The Swiss Colony Standard/Flat 8/29-9/1 1.0 Nationwide Car-Rt, 3/5-Digit, Basic, Barcode Quad Graphics, Lomira, WI; catalog has a die cut cover and a personalized (address) under wrap
JC Penney Fine Jewelry Extravaganza Standard/Flat 9/1-9/4 3.1 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney Fine Jewelry Extravaganza Standard/Postcard 9/1-9/4 1.2 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney 24 page Shoe Mailer Standard/Flat 9/4-9/6 5.5 Nationwide Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney Fall Preview
(50 pages)
Standard/Flat 9/4-9/6 15.7 National Car-Rt Northeast Graphics - HHL
JC Penney Fall Preview
(2 pages)
Standard/Flat 9/4-9/6 7.3 National Car-Rt Segerdahl - HHL
Ginny's Standard/Flat 9/4-9/7 1.0 National Car-Rt, 3/5-Digit, Basic, Barcode Quad Graphics, Lomira, WI; catalog has a die cut cover and a personalized (address) under wrap
JC Penney Fall Home Sale Standard/Flat 9/8-9/13 10.8 National Car-Rt RR Donnelley
JC Penney Salon Color Standard/Postcard 9/13-9/15 1.0 National Car-Rt Harte-Hanks
JC Penney Fall Sale Standard/Flat 9/20-9/23 10.4 National Car-Rt Quebecorworld

- Business Service Network Operations, Sales, 8-23-01

Domestic Mail


Parcel Post ZIP Code Changes

Effective August 23, 2001, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) E751 Exhibits 7.0 and 8.0 are revised to add a ZIP Code in each Parcel Select exception list. Parcel Post for ZIP Codes 98055 and 98057 should be deposited at the Renton Main Office, 17200 116th Avenue, SE, Renton, WA 98058-9998, in order to qualify for destination delivery unit rates.

The facility's drop site key listed in the AIS Drop Ship Product has been included to help identify the correct facility.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of DMM Issue 57 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

E Eligibility

E700 Package Services

E750 Destination Entry

E751 Parcel Select

Exhibit 7.0 Delivery Facility Exceptions to the "Majority of City Carriers" Rule

[Revise Exhibit 7.0 by adding the following entry:]

ZIP Code Facility Name Drop Site Key
98055 Renton PZ17357

Exhibit 8.0 Delivery Facilities Different From Those in the Drop Shipment Product

[Revise Exhibit 8.0 by adding the following entry:]

ZIP Codes Served Destination Delivery Unit Location Drop Site Key
98057 Renton Main Office,
17200 116th Avenue, SE, Renton, WA 98058-9998

- Operational Requirements,Operations Planning and Processing, 8-23-01


Online Shipping e-Label at

In Postal Bulletin 22055 (7-26-01, page 18), the sample label's ancillary service endorsement was incorrectly shown as "Address Correction Requested." The correct endorsement is "Address Service Requested."

- Information Systems,Expedited/Package Services, 8-23-01


Documentation Requirements for Sequenced Mail

Effective September 6, 2001, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) M050 is revised to change the documentation needed to substantiate compliance with the standards for Periodicals and Standard Mail mailings sequenced in line- of-travel (LOT) order. In addition, new products whose use will allow mailers sequenced rates eligibility are added in anticipation of their release. This revision is changing only documentation requirements for sequen-cing - employees and mailers are reminded that other kinds of documentation are required to support rate eligibility. Further, DMM A930 is revised to include a fuller description of the sequencing product options.

We will incorporate these changes into the printed version of DMM Issue 57 and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer at

Also, we will incorporate the names of the new products (i.e., eLOT and DSF2) into the current language that references the existing products in A950.1.3, E230.2.2, and E630.1.5. DSF2 is a service mark.

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

A Addressing

A900 Customer Support

A930 Other Services

[Add new sections 6.0-8.0 to read as follows:]


The Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) file is a 5-digit ZIP Code-based electronic customer product that provides and updates delivery sequence address information by carrier route for qualified mailers. Mailers must first qualify for CDS information through the manual card sequencing described in A920. Once a mailer has qualified for a 5-digit ZIP Code area, delivery sequence information is made available via electronic media. The CDS file is updated bimonthly.


The Delivery Sequence File (DSF) is a computerized file that contains all delivery point addresses serviced by the USPS, with the exception of general delivery. On the file, each delivery point is a separate record that conforms to all USPS addressing standards. Each record contains the ZIP+4 code, carrier route code, delivery sequence, delivery type, and seasonal delivery information. The DSF is updated monthly and is available through licensees approved by the USPS. A new version of this file will be available in fall 2001, known as the Delivery Sequence File, Second Generation (DSF2). A list of licensees is available at (click on Vendor Information) or by contacting the National Customer Support Center at 800-238-3150.


The USPS provides an electronic product called the "LOT product" that sequences addresses in a mailing list in LOT order. An enhanced version of this product called "eLOT" will be introduced in fall 2001. The USPS requires address lists to be processed through CASS-certified ZIP+4 address-matching software before being processed against a LOT product. Non ZIP+4-coded records may not be used with this product. The LOT products are updated bimonthly. They are available for purchase from the National Customer Support Center.

M Mail Preparation and Sortation

M000 General Preparation Standards

M050 Delivery Sequence


1.2 Missing Addresses

[Revise 1.2 to read as follows:]

If mailpieces cannot be sequenced because an exact match for a name or address cannot be obtained, then these pieces may be included in a sequenced mailing only if they are placed behind the sequenced mail. These pieces must be sequenced alphabetically by primary street name and numerically for numbered streets, and then numerically in ascending order by primary address.


3.2 Without Simplified Addressing

[Revise 3.2 to read as follows:]

Walk-sequence rate pieces prepared with other than a simplified address must be sequenced using USPS data from one of the following sources, issued within 90 days before the mailing date:

a. The Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) file.

b. The Delivery Sequence File (DSF) or Delivery Sequence File, Second Generation (DSF2).

c. Delivery sequence information from USPS address sequencing services, as requested by the customer.

3.4 Line-of-Travel Sequence

[Revise 3.4 to read as follows:]

Unless the mail is prepared in carrier walk sequence, line- of-travel (LOT) sequence is required for mailings at Standard Mail Enhanced Carrier Route basic rates and Periodicals carrier route basic rates. LOT sequence is not an exact walk sequence but a sequence of ZIP+4 codes arranged in the order that the route is served by a carrier. (First the ZIP+4 groups are sequenced, then the addresses within each are identified as being in ascending or descending order.) The USPS LOT and eLOT products provide a list of the ZIP+4 codes each carrier route serves, identify the order in which they are delivered, and provide an indicator specifying whether the addresses in each must be sorted in ascending or descending order. When a range of ZIP+4 codes on the same carrier route are assigned the same sequence number, the addresses bearing those ZIP+4 codes must be arranged in ascending ZIP+4 code order before the sequence number is assigned. LOT information must be updated within 90 days before the date of mailing.


4.1 General

[Revise 4.1 to read as follows:]

For Periodicals, the postage statement must be annotated in the "Sequencing Date" block on each of the lines where basic, high density, and saturation per-piece rate postage is reported. For Standard Mail, the postage statement must be annotated in the "Sequencing Date" block on the front of the postage statement where total postage for Enhanced Carrier Route rates is reported. The mailer must provide documentation to substantiate compliance with the standards for carrier route sequencing. Unless the documentation is submitted with the corresponding mailing, the mailer must be able to provide the USPS with documentation of accurate sequencing or delivery statistics for each carrier route to which walk-sequence and basic-rate pieces are mailed. The mailer must annotate the postage statement to show the earliest (oldest) date of the method (in 4.1a through 4.1e) used to obtain sequencing information for the mailing. Acceptable forms of documentation are:

a. The invoice showing that the addresses came from CDS.

b. DSF or DSF2 invoice or documentation.

c. Copies of the delivery unit summaries that served as the mailer's bills for address sequencing service charges.

d. Evidence of receipt of information from postmasters for simplified address mailings (see A930).

e. PS Form 3553, Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) Summary Report, showing the date of the LOT or eLOT product used, or the date from the USPS Qualification report produced by presort software.

- Address Management,Chief Technology Officer, 8-23-01


Delivery Confirmation Service With "Change Service Requested" - General Information and Service Talk

General Information

The Postal Service is beginning a test of whether customers should be allowed to use Delivery ConfirmationTM service in conjunction with the "Change Service Requested" ancillary service endorsement.

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) F010.5.0 prohibits the use of Change Service Requested with any special service. With Change Service Requested, undeliverable mailpieces are disposed of and the mailer is notified of the new address or reason for nondelivery. If those pieces had special services, the Postal Service would not want to dispose of them because the pieces would require a delivery scan or signature, or, in the case of an insured parcel, the Postal Service would have to pay a claim. These are the reasons for prohibiting the use of Change Service Requested with special services.

However, some mailers want to use a special service (Delivery Confirmation service), and want an address correction or reason for nondelivery, but they do not want the actual mailpiece returned to them. For example, shippers of perishable items such as fruit find it more cost effective to get the corrected address and ship a new mailpiece. They do not want the added cost of rehandling a returned mailpiece, especially when the contents are spoiled and no longer usable.

To address this customer need, Expedited/Package Services is partnering with other functional areas to sponsor a test of mailers using electronic option Delivery Confirmation service with Change Service Requested.

Who can participate?

Any certified Delivery Confirmation mailer can participate. Mailers using Priority Mail® service must also be Address Change Service (ACS) participants.

What classes of mail are eligible?

Mailers can ship items via Priority Mail (for perishable items only), Standard Mail (for pieces subject to the residual shape surcharge only), and Package Services.

What special services are available?

For this test, only electronic option Delivery Confirmation service can be used with the Change Service Requested ancillary service endorsement. In order to monitor the effectiveness of this program, test mailers will be asked to provide the Postal Service with the Delivery Confirmation service numbers for packages using Delivery Confirmation service and the Change Service Requested endorsement.

Participation is based on the mailer's understanding that when used in conjunction with Change Service Requested, an undeliverable-as-addressed scan from a delivery unit simply indicates that the mailpiece arrived at the delivery unit, was undeliverable-as-addressed, and was disposed of by the Postal Service.

How long is the test?

The test is expected to last 4 months, beginning with this article. At the conclusion of the test, Expedited/Package Services will evaluate whether the Postal Service should offer this exception on a permanent basis.

How can mailers apply?

Applicants may fax their request to 415-357-3684 or mail the request to:


The request letter must be on the applicant's company letterhead and must include the name and telephone number of a company contact for the test, the classes of mail to be used in the test, and the signature of the applicant. The following sentence must be included in the application: "[Company Name] is requesting an exception to Domestic Mail Manual F010.5.0, which prohibits the use of Delivery Confirmation service on mail bearing the Change Service Requested endorsement."

Requests from applicants who will use Priority Mail service must include the ACS participant code issued by the National Customer Support Center. A copy of PS Form 3152, Confirmation Services Certification (the form that authorized electronic option Delivery Confirmation service), and a sample label including the Change Service Requested endorsement must accompany the letter of request. Applicants will be provided an exception to the DMM standards by one of the rates and classification service centers. Once applicants receive the exception letter, they may begin applying Delivery Confirmation service barcodes to mailpieces endorsed Change Service Requested.

Delivery Issues

Using Delivery Confirmation service with the Change Service Requested endorsement does not affect how delivery personnel and Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) units handle these mailpieces. Carriers and clerks will scan undeliverable items using the same procedures they use for all Delivery Confirmation service mailpieces. Processing address correction notifications and mailpiece disposal will be handled like any other undeliverable mailpiece bearing the Change Service Requested endorsement.

In keeping with the current process, undeliverable Delivery Confirmation service items that contain an ACS participant code will be sent to the CFS unit. The CFS unit will process the address correction notification and then dispose of the mailpiece in accordance with the approved treatment for mailpieces endorsed Change Service Requested. Because the delivery unit already will have captured the undeliverable-as-addressed scan, the Delivery Confirmation service barcode will not affect the disposal of a piece endorsed Change Service Requested.

Some employees may be hesitant to dispose of a mailpiece, such as a book, that appears to have value. Be assured that mailers use the ancillary service endorsement that best suits their business.

At the conclusion of this test, we will determine whether to formalize the policies and procedures in the Domestic Mail Manual.

Service Talk

Postmasters/Station Managers/Computerized Forwarding System Managers: Please present this service talk to your clerks and carriers as soon as possible.

The Postal Service is testing the use of Delivery Confirmation service in combination with the Change Service Requested endorsement. This test does not change the scanning procedures or event codes used by delivery units and box sections on either deliverable or undeliverable Delivery Confirmation service items.

If you have an undeliverable mailpiece with Delivery Confirmation service that bears the Change Service Requested endorsement, scan the item just like you do now for other undeliverable Delivery Confirmation service pieces. Address correction notifications and disposal of mailpieces are handled in the same manner as any other undeliverable mailpiece bearing the Change Service Requested endorsement.

Keep in mind that all undeliverable pieces containing an ACS participant code are sent to the CFS unit, even if the mailpiece contains a Delivery Confirmation service barcode. ACS participant codes appear on the first line above the address and begin with a pound sign (#).

For undeliverable ACS mailpieces, CFS will process the address correction notification and then dispose of the item in accordance with the Change Service Requested endorsement. A Delivery Confirmation service barcode does not affect the disposal of a Change Service Requested piece.

- eBusiness, Expedited/Package Services, 8-23-01


Post Office Box Service Application Procedures - Post Office Box Service

Effective August 23, 2001, the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) and Postal Operations Manual (POM) are revised to clarify the application procedure for Post Office box service.

In addition, PS Form 1093, Application for Post Office Box or Caller Service (see pages 10-11), is revised to conform to the final rule published in the Federal Register on January 25, 2000 (65 FR 3857-3859). This rule repeals the provision that allowed disclosure to the public, upon request, of the name, address, and telephone number of the holder of a Post Office box being used for the purpose of doing or soliciting business with the public. The purpose of the change was to provide a greater degree of privacy and security to the growing number of small business owners who operate out of their homes.

We will incorporate these revisions into the printed versions of DMM 57 and POM 9; into the next online revision of the POM available via the corporate Intranet at; and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via the Post Explorer Web site at

Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

D Deposit, Collection, and Delivery

D900 Other Delivery Services

D910 Post Office Box Service


2.1 Application

[Revise 2.1 to read as follows:]

Procedures for applying for Post Office box service are as follows:

a. The applicant must complete all required items on Form 1093, Application for Post Office Box or Caller Service, and submit it to any postal facility that provides window service to the public. The facility need not be the one where box service is desired. Furnishing false information on the application or refusing to furnish required information may be sufficient reason for denial of the application or discontinuance of service.

b. Spouses may complete and sign one Form 1093. Each spouse must present two items of valid identification. A parent or guardian may receive delivery of a minor's mail by listing the name(s) and age(s) of each minor on Form 1093. Other adult persons who receive mail in the Post Office box of an individual box customer must be listed on Form 1093 and must present two items of valid identification to the Post Office.

c. Employees or members who receive mail in the Post Office box of an organization box customer must be listed on Form 1093. Each person must have verifiable identification and, upon request, present this identification to the Postal Service.

d. When any information required on Form 1093 changes, the box customer must update the application on file at the Post Office.

[Revise 2.2 to read as follows:]

2.2 Verification

An application for Post Office box service may not be approved until the applicant's identity and current permanent physical address where he or she resides or conducts business is verified. Verification criteria are as follows:

a. At the time of application, applicants must present two items of valid identification; one item must contain a photograph of the applicant. Social Security cards or credit cards and birth certificates are unacceptable as identification. The following are acceptable identification:

(1) Valid driver's license or state non-driver's identification card.

(2) Armed forces, government, university, or recognized corporate identification card.

(3) Passport, alien registration card, or certificate of naturalization.

(4) Current lease, mortgage, or deed of trust.

(5) Voter or vehicle registration card.

(6) Home or vehicle insurance policy.

b. The identification presented must be current. It must contain sufficient information to confirm that the applicant is who he or she claims to be and must be traceable to the bearer.

[Delete 2.3, Proof of Physical Address, and renumber 2.4 and 2.5 as 2.3 and 2.4, respectively.]


[Revise title and text of 3.1 to read as follows:]

3.1 Mail Receipt

In accordance with the application and verification standards in 2.0, any individual box customer or organization may receive through the box any mail properly addressed to the box number.

[Delete 3.2. Renumber sections 3.3 through 3.8 as 3.2 through 3.7, respectively.]


8.4 Surrendered Box

[Revise 8.4 as follows:]

A Post Office box is surrendered if:

a. A box customer refuses or fails to pay the proper fees by the due date.

b. A box customer submits a written notice to discontinue service.

c. Any person other than the box customer attempts to renew service at the end of the period for which the box is issued.

d. A box customer, or an appointed executor or administrator of a deceased box customer, submits a permanent change-of-address order.

[Add new 8.5 as follows:]

8.5 Boxes Not Surrendered

A Post Office box is not surrendered if:

a. A box customer dies or disappears before the end of the period for which the box is issued.

b. A box customer submits a temporary change-of- address order.

c. A change-of-address order is submitted by any person other than the box customer, or an appointed executor or administrator of a deceased box customer for mail going to the box.

Postal Operations Manual (POM)

8 Special Services

84 Other Delivery Services

841 Post Office Box Service

841.12 Obtaining Service

841.122 Verification

[Revise prologue, item a, and item b to read as follows:]

An application for Post Office box service may not be approved until the applicant's identity and current permanent physical address where he or she resides or conducts business is verified. Verification criteria are as follows:

a. Applicant

(1) An applicant must present two items of valid identification with the application; one item must contain a photograph of the applicant. Social Security cards, credit cards, or birth certificates are unacceptable as identification. The following are acceptable identification:

(a) Valid driver's license or state non-driver's identification card.

(b) Armed forces, government, university, or recognized corporate identification card.

(c) Passport, alien registration card, or certificate of naturalization.

(d) A current lease, mortgage, or deed of trust.

(e) Voter or vehicle registration card.

(f) Home or vehicle insurance policy.

(2) The identification presented must be current. It must contain sufficient information to confirm that the applicant is who he or she claims to be and must be traceable to the bearer. Spouses may complete and sign one Form 1093. Each spouse must present two items of valid identification. A parent or guardian may receive delivery of a minor's mail by listing the name(s) and age(s) of each minor on Form 1093. Other adult persons who receive mail in the Post Office box of an individual box customer must be listed on

Form 1093 and must present two items of valid identification to the Post Office. Employees or members who receive mail in the Post Office box of an organization box customer must be listed on Form 1093. Each person must have verifiable identification, and upon request, present this identification to the Postal Service.

(3) When any information required on Form 1093 changes, the box customer must update the application on file at the Post Office.

(4) Consider an application verified if there is no discrepancy between the information on the application and on the identification presented. If the information on the application does not match that on the identification, verification procedures must be followed to substantiate that the applicant resides or conducts business at the permanent physical address shown. Complete this verification within 3 workdays.

b. When the location of the current permanent physical address on Form 1093 differs from the physical address on the applicant's valid identification, verification procedures are as follows:

(1) Use carrier knowledge to confirm that the applicant currently resides or conducts business at the permanent physical address listed on Form 1093.

(2) In offices without delivery service, the applicant must provide a current document from a government entity or recognized financial institution or a utility bill with the applicant's name and permanent physical address.

(3) If the carrier is unable to confirm or the applicant is unable to substantiate the permanent physical address, the application for Post Office box service is not approved.

841.3 Refund of Box Fee

841.32 Surrendered Boxes

Consider a box surrendered if any of the following occur:

[Revise items a through c and add item d as follows:]

a. The box customer refuses or fails to pay the proper fees by the due date.

b. The box customer submits a written notice to discontinue service.

c. Any person other than the box customer attempts to renew service at the end of the period for which the box is issued.

d. The box customer, or an appointed executor or administrator of a deceased box customer, submits a permanent change-of-address order.

841.33 Boxes Not Surrendered

Do not consider a box surrendered if any of the following occur:

[Revise items a through c as follows:]

a. A box customer dies or disappears before the end of the period for which the box is issued.

b. A box customer submits a temporary change-of- address order.

c. A change-of-address order is submitted by any person other than the box customer, or an appointed executor or administrator of a deceased box customer for mail going to the box.

- Retail Operations Support, Retail, Consumers and Small Business, 8-23-01

Sample PS Form 1093 - Application for Post Office Box or Caller Service, Part 1 (front).

Sample PS Form 1093, Privacy Act Statement - August 2001 (back).


PS Form 1093, Application for Post Office Box or Caller Service

Customers applying for a Post Office box or caller service must submit a revised PS Form 1093, Application for Post Office Box or Caller Service, dated August 2001 (see pages 10-11).

Note: The Privacy Act Statement has changed to conform to the final rule published in the Federal Register on January 25, 2000 (65 FR 3857-3859). This rule repeals the provision that allowed disclosure to the public, upon request, of the name, address, and telephone number of the holder of a Post Office box being used for the purpose of doing or soliciting business with the public.

The following changes have been made to PS Form 1093:

Item 4a. Will this box be used for personal or business use?

[This information is optional.]

Item 4b. Email Address

[The applicant may list an email address in this section. This information is optional.]

[Information in block 4a and b is optional, and applicants for Post Office box or caller service are not required to complete these boxes. This information will be used to provide small business customers with information and material regarding Postal Service products and services designed to assist them in growing their businesses.]

Item 14. List name(s) and age(s) of minors or names of other persons receiving mail in individual box. Other persons must present two forms of valid ID. If applicant is a firm, name each member receiving mail. Each person must have verifiable ID upon request.

[The purpose of this change is to ensure that the actual addressee authorizes mail received at a Post Office box address that is not addressed to the box customer (applicant for the box service). Identification is not required for minors of a box customer, but the spouse and all other persons receiving mail in the box must present two items of valid identification to the Post Office. See DMM section D910.2.1b and POM section 841.122a(2).]

Item 15. Signature of applicant (same as item 3). I agree to comply with all postal rules regarding post office box or caller service.

[Currently item 7, this box was moved to the bottom of Part I in the form.]

Item 16. Postmaster: The following named persons or representatives of the organization listed below are authorized to accept mail addressed to this (these) post office box(es) or caller number(s). All names listed must have verifiable ID.

[The purpose of this change is to ensure that persons accepting mail for organizations at the Post Office are the actual persons authorized by the organization. These persons must present valid identification to postal personnel if they are unknown.]

The availability of revised PS Form 1093, Application for Post Office Box or Caller Service, will be announced in a future issue of the Postal Bulletin.

- Retail Operations Support,Retail, Consumers and Small Business, 8-23-01