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December 13, 2OOl

Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Employment Policy Statement

The Postal Service is committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all employees. Affirmative employment is an essential element of the Postal Service's equal employment opportunity efforts.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal employment opportunity (EEO) is required by our nation's laws. It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age (40 and above), physical or mental disability, or in reprisal for participating in protected EEO activity. These laws also provide specific remedies for discrimination.

The Postal Service is unequivocal in its opposition to all forms of discrimination, including harassment involving any of the protected categories listed above. We are committed to following the EEO laws and their application to all employment matters, including-but not limited to-recruitment,hiring, training, assignments, promotions, transfers, benefits, and discipline. We maintain a process of EEO counseling and investigation for addressing and resolving complaints that arise from alleged discriminatory practices. In addition, we offer the dispute resolution process, REDRESS, as an alternative to precomplaint EEO counseling. Where individuals with disabilities are employed or will be employed, it is our policy to provide reasonable accommodation in accordance with the law.

Affirmative Employment

The Postal Service's goal under affirmative employment is for our recruitment, retention, development, and promotion practices to effectively draw upon and support the diversity of communities we serve. To help bring that about, the Postal Service operates special emphasis programs (e.g., the National Women's Program and the Hispanic Program) and other affirmative employment activities to help ensure that women, minorities' and individuals with disabilities are able to compete at all levels of the organization.


The Postal Service expects all postal employees to treat each coworker with respect and appreciation. Each of us, in accordance with the laws of this nation, must refrain from practicing or tolerating discrimination or harassment based upon race, sex, national origin, or any other category protected by the EEO laws.

All executives, managers, and supervisors share in the responsibility for successfully implementing and managing EEO and affirmative employment in the Postal Service. Managers are expected to develop and empower employees so that the most talented people available are selected for leadership positions that meet both our employment and performance goals.

The vice president of Diversity Development directs the affirmative employment program and the vice president of Labor Relations oversees EEO complaints processing and compliance.

John E. Potter
WASHINGTON DC 20260-4010