All employees who enroll in the eTravel system are required to receive their reimbursement via Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT). After the eTravel coordinators enter the
required EFT information into the Accounts Payable and
Reporting system (APARS), there is a 5-day period during
which the bank account numbers and bank routing numbers are verified and the system is tested to ensure successful transactions.
If a travel report is entered in the eTravel system and approved during the 5-day verification and testing period, employee reimbursement will be made by paper check. When
the 5-day period is complete, employee reimbursement will
be made by EFT.
- National Accounting, Finance, 2-7-02
In Postal Bulletin 22065 (12-13-01, page 21), the last
sentence of the last paragraph of section 6-2.1.1, Exemptions From Sales Taxes, was omitted. The paragraph
should read as follows:
If the hotel declines to honor your request for tax
exemption, you should pay the tax. You will be reimbursed for the amount of the tax paid.
- National Accounting, Finance, 2-7-02