Beginning April 29, 2002, the Postal Service will say
goodbye to an antiquated, manual consumer-feedback
process and phase in a more aggressive, automated
process - Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know (see cover),
or WWTK for short. WWTK replaces PS Form 4314-C,
Consumer Service Card, and promotes several different
immediate methods for customers to contact the Postal
• Speaking to our postmaster/management staff.
• Calling 800-ASK-USPS (275-8777).
• Visiting www.usps.com.
The notice should be prominently displayed in all Post
Office lobbies and made available to customers as a "take
one." By making it easier for customers to reach us we can
more quickly assist them with concerns, suggestions, and
Please note that you should continue to deplete current
supplies of PS Form 4314-C, then remove them from lobbies, dispose of them, and replace them with Notice
4314-C, according to the Area phase-in schedule below.
Please adhere to the ordering date for your area as shown
Notice 4314-C
Available for Ordering
PS Form 4314-C
Replaced With
Notice 4314-C
April 8, 2002
April 29, 2002
April 8, 2002
April 29, 2002
April 22, 2002
May 20, 2002
April 22, 2002
May 20, 2002
Great Lakes
May 27, 2002
June 17, 2002
May 27, 2002
June 17, 2002
June 24, 2002
July 15, 2002
New York
June 24, 2002
July 15, 2002
July 22, 2002
August 12, 2002
You can order Notice 4314-C by one of the following
• Touch Tone Order Entry: Call 800-332-0317,
choose option 1, then option 2.
• cc:Mail: Send an F3Fill-completed PS Form 7380,
MDC Supply Requisition, to MDC Customer Service
at TOKS001L.
• Mail: Mail a completed PS Form 7380 to the MDC at
the following address:
TOPEKA KS 66624-9702
The relevant ordering information for Notice 4314-C is
as follows:
PSN: 7610-05-000-4859
Unit of Issue: PG (250 per pack)
Price: $2.01
Edition Date: March 2002
Quick Pick Number: 239
Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know (WWTK), replaces
PS Form 4314-C, Consumer Service Card. The new notice
offers customers multiple options for contacting the United
States Postal Service and will be available in all retail
lobbies as a "take one" for customers. Notice 4314-C
clearly provides the following options:
• Speaking to our postmaster/management staff.
• Calling 800-ASK-USPS (275-8777).
• Visiting www.usps.com.
Local Post Office personnel can expect to receive and
resolve local customer issues from the following avenues:
• Person-to-person contact at retail counters.
• Telephone calls directly to the local Post Office.
• Issues received from the District Consumer Affairs
• Issues retrieved from POMS (Post Office Messaging
• Issues generated from www.usps.com and forwarded from the District Consumer Affairs office.
Processing an issue received from person-to-person contact or telephone call directly to the local Post Office
• The customer discusses the issue with the retail clerk
and if unable to assist the customer, the clerk refers
the customer to the postmaster/management staff.
• Speak to the customer in a calm and professional
manner to ascertain the nature of the issue.
• Provide immediate resolution when possible or provide a specific timeframe when the customer can
expect a follow-up response.
• Resolve all person-to-person and telephone contacts
within 14 calendar days.
Processing an issue received from 800-ASK-USPS
• Local Post Offices that are served by the contact centers (previously called call centers) will continue to
retrieve service-related issues via POMS and resolve
their issues as previously instructed in the Corporate
Contact Management Partnership Agreement. Issues received via POMS are to be closed within 48
• Local Post Offices that are not served by the contact
centers will receive their issues from their local Consumer Affairs office. The issues will be resolved in
accordance with the Consumer Affairs Issue
Resolution SOP.
Processing an issue received from www.usps.com
1. Service issues received via www.usps.com are forwarded to the respective Consumer Affairs office for
2. Local Consumer Affairs offices will resolve the service issues in accordance with the Consumer Affairs
Issue Resolution SOP.
3. Initial contact and resolution should occur within 24
Issue escalation process
For customers who are dissatisfied with the options provided on Notice 4314-C, you can offer the following
additional options once you have made every effort to
assist the customer.
• Provide the customer with the phone number to the
local District Consumer Affairs office.
• Advise the customer to write a letter to
WASHINGTON DC 20260-2200
Customer satisfaction is a key element in maintaining
our strategic position in the ever-increasing competitive
market place. Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know, was developed to promote three primary methods for customers
reaching the USPS:
• Speaking to our postmaster/management staff.
• Calling 800-ASK-USPS (275-8777).
• Visiting www.usps.com.
• Remove PS Form 4314-C, Consumer Service Card.
• Display new Notice 4314-C in racks at all lobby writing tables in all Post Offices
• Assist customers at local Post Office (retail clerks or
Employee Role
Each employee plays an important role in implementing
this new initiative. As the first point of contact you have the
opportunity to assist our customers with their concerns. If
you need help with a customer's concern, consult with
postmaster/management staff or make them available to
the customer. Should a customer want to escalate his/her
matter to a higher level, provide the number to the local
Consumer Affairs office for further assistance.
• Make it easier for customers to reach us.
• Promote our web site and our 800-ASK-USPS
• Capture near real-time recording of customer
• Increase customer satisfaction.
• Realize savings from reduced data entry workload.
Thank you for giving our customers the highest level of
personal attention and service. Keeping friends for the
Postal Service is the key to our existence and it takes everyone, everywhere, doing their very best every day to accommodate the needs of our customers.
Effective April 4, 2002, the following manuals,
handbooks, and publications are revised:
• Administrative Support Manual (ASM)
• Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
• Postal Operations Manual (POM)
• Handbook AS-813, Postmaster Tracking System
User Guide
• Handbook M-39, Management of Delivery Services
• Handbook PO-102, Self Service Vending Operational
and Marketing Program
• Handbook PO-208, Retail Operations - Focus on
• Handbook PO-250, Consumer Answer Book
• Publication 211, FCPC Self-Service Guide
We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed
editions of all referenced materials and into the online
versions, available on the corporate intranet at
Administrative Support Manual (ASM)
* * * * *
3 Communications
* * * * *
35 Records and Release of Information
351 Records
* * * * *
351.2 Retention
* * * * *
Exhibit 351.21 Retention Periods for Post Office
* * * * *
[Delete "4314-A Consumer Service Card (Spanish) 1 yr
[Delete "4314-C Consumer Service Card 1 yr."]
* * * * *
Appendix - Privacy Act System of Records
* * * * *
C Privacy Act Systems of Records
* * * * *
USPS 070.040
* * * * *
Categories of Records in the System
[Delete "and Consumer Service Cards" from the second
sentence as follows:]
***Includes any general correspondence about individual's
* * * * *
Directives and Forms Index
* * * * *
[Delete "4314-A Consumer Service Card (Spanish) Exhibit
[Delete "4314-C Consumer Service Card Exhibit 351.21."]
* * * * *
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
G General Information
G000 The USPS and Mailing Standards
G010 Basic Business Information
G011 Post Offices and Postal Services
* * * * *
[Revise the second sentence as follows:]
***A complaint or inquiry may be made in person, by
telephone, by e-mail, or by letter.***
* * * * *
I Index Information
I000 Information
* * * * *
I020 References
I021 Forms Glossary
* * * * *
[Change "4314-A Consumer Service Card (Spanish)" to
"Notice 4314-A We Want to Know (Spanish)."
[Change "4314-C Consumer Service Card (English)" to
"Notice 4314-C We Want to Know (English)."
* * * * *
Postal Operations Manual (POM)
1 Retail Management
* * * * *
16 Consumer Services
* * * * *
163 Source of Complaints
* * * * *
[Delete items a and b. Reletter existing items c-f as new
items a-d.]
[Revise new item a as follows:]
a. Personal contact, telephone, e-mail, and fax.
164 Responsibility
164.1 Headquarters Management
[Revise text in 164.1 as follows:]
Headquarters Consumer Affairs is responsible for
establishing requirements and measuring compliance with
complaint handling and complaint resolution procedures
contained in Management Instruction PO-250-93-2,
Complaint Resolution and Proper Use of the Notice
4314-C, We Want to Know.
* * * * *
164.4 Postmasters and Station or Branch Managers
[Revise 164.4 as follows:]
Postmasters and station or branch managers must also do
the following:
a. Ensure that their offices comply with comment and
complaint resolution procedures.
b. Ensure that all employees coming in contact with the
public on a regular basis (e.g., retail clerks, city and
rural carriers, supervisors, installation managers)
have available at their workstations enough Notice
4314-C, We Want To Know, for customers.
c. Prominently display Notice 4314-C in lobbies and
box sections, business mail entry units, and other
customer service areas at all times.
d. Maintain one or more customer complaint logs (see
Exhibit 165.3).
e. Investigate and take corrective action to resolve
complaints by contacting and working with other
functional areas of the Postal Service, if necessary,
to resolve customer complaints.
f. Establish and maintain a complaint file.
Note: Other postal employees, especially retail
clerks, are to provide the customer with a Notice
4314-C or refer the customer to the appropriate
functional area.
165 Procedures
* * * * *
165.3 Maintaining Customer Complaint Control Log
* * * * *
[Delete item f. Reletter existing items g-k as new items f-j.]
* * * * *
165.4 Complaint Resolution
165.41 Complaints Resolved Immediately
[Delete the second sentence of 165.41.]
165.42 Further Investigation Required
[Replace the text in 165.42 with the following:]
When local postal management cannot resolve a complaint
or comment, the employee provides the customer with a
Notice 4314-C, We Want to Know. The customer then can
choose from the three options on 4314-C.
165.5 Processing Complaints
165.51 Complaints Made in Person
[Replace the text in 165.51 with the following:]
When local postal management cannot resolve a complaint
or comment, the employee provides the customer with a
Notice 4314-C, We Want to Know. The customer then can
choose from the three options on 4314-C.
165.52 Processing a Written Complaint
[Replace the text in 165.52 with following:]
Transfer all vital information from the customer's letter to
the customer complaint control log.
165.53 Processing a Complaint Made by Telephone
[Replace the text in 165.53 with the following:]
Document all vital information of the customer's complaint
in the customer complaint control log.
[Delete 165.6.]
* * * * *
[Renumber existing 165.7 and 165.8 as new 165.6 and
165.7, respectively.]
166 Right of Appeal
166.1 Dissatisfied Customers
[Revise 166.1 as follows:]
Advise dissatisfied customers that using the methods on
Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know, doesn't exhaust their
opportunity to have the Postal Service consider their complaints and that they may also address their complaints in
writing directly to:
WASHINGTON DC 20260-2200
* * * * *
167 Customer Contact Guidelines
* * * * *
167.2 Receiving Complaints
167.21 In Person
* * * * *
[Delete item c. Reletter existing item d as new item c.]
167.22 By Telephone
* * * * *
[Delete item g.]
167.23 By Fax
* * * * *
[Delete item b.]
[Revise title and text of 167.24 as follows:]
167.24 By Letter
* * * * *
[Delete items a and b.]
167.3 Responding to Customer Comments and
* * * * *
167.32 In Person
* * * * *
[Delete item c.]
167.33 By Telephone
* * * * *
[Delete item c.]
167.34 By Letter
* * * * *
[Delete item e. Reletter existing item f as new item e.]
168 Measurement of Effectiveness and Benefits
168.1 Effectiveness
* * * * *
[Revise item c as follows:]
Periodic reports from the Consumer Affairs Tracking
* * * * *
169 Other Consumer Services
169.1 General
[Revise 169.1 as follows:]
Report of Postal offenses and requests for information regarding the mistreatment of mail are handled as outlined in
the following sections.
169.2 Reporting Postal Offenses
[Delete the first sentence of 169.2.]
* * * * *
169.5 Form 1510, Mail Loss/Rifling Report
169.51 General
[Revise 169.51 as follows:]
If a consumer alleges loss, nonreceipt, or theft of mail, or
that mail appears to have been tampered with, complete a
Form 1510, Mail Loss/Rifling Report.
* * * * *
Handbook AS-813, Postmaster Tracking System
User Guide
* * * * *
Postmaster Tracking System Access
CIS Main Menu
* * * * *
[Change "18. Consumer Service Card" to "18. We Want to
* * * * *
Handbook M-39, Management of Delivery
* * * * *
Chapter 2 Mail Counts and Route Inspections
* * * * *
23 Conducting the Route Inspection
* * * * *
234 Record and Evaluation
234.1 Letter Routes
* * * * *
234.13 Completing Lower Half of Form 3999
* * * * *
[Revise (12)(d) as follows:]
(d) Notice 4314-C, We Want to Know
* * * * *
Handbook PO-102, Self Service Vending
Operational and Marketing Program
* * * * *
8 Handling Customer Complaints, Claims, and
[Replace the headings and text in 81 with the following:]
81 Guidelines for Handling Complaints
811 General
Customers may submit complaints, such as equipment
malfunction, loss of money or stamps, or empty equipment,
in person, by telephone, by mail, or by e-mail. Employees
record complaints concerning vending refunds on PS Form
5445, Stamp Vending Machine Refund Request (Exhibit
811). PS Form 5445 is used to process and document the
refund process, provide a receipt to the customer, and provide written proof of the refund itself for use by vending
servicing employees in periodic credit examinations. If the
customer initiates a complaint in person, the customer fills
out and signs the unshaded portion of the form. If the customer makes the complaint by telephone, mail, or e-mail,
the employee accepting the complaint fills out the unshaded portion of the form and signs in the "Sign Here"
In addition, customer vending complaints will come from
the We Want to Know program (Notice 4314-C, We Want
To Know). The WWTK program receives complaints,
records them, documents their status, and processes them
to specific locations for resolution. Customers can initiate
complaints in person at the Post Office, by telephone at
800-ASK-USPS, or by visiting www.usps.com.
812 Vending Refunds - Guidelines for Recording
Vending Refunds on PS Form 5445
Record all customer claims for losses of money and/or
stamps for any reason, including malfunctioning and/or
empty vending equipment, on PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine Refund Request (Exhibit 811).
812.1 Person Completing PS Form 5445 Completes
Unshaded Portion
a. "Name"
b. "Address"
c. "Daytime Phone No."
d. "Amount of Loss"
e. "Date of Loss" (if the request is other than in person,
the date, if unknown, will be the date of the telephone
call, e-mail, or letter requesting a refund).
f. "Time of Loss" (If the request is other than in person,
the time, if unknown, will be the time of the telephone
call, e-mail, or letter requesting a refund.)
g. "Machine ID" (A six-digit number on the front of the
vending machine)
h. "What happened?"
1. "Did not receive product"
2. "Incorrect change given"
3. "Did not register/jammed"
4. "No change given"
5. "No credit shown"
6. "Money not returned"
7. "Currency Lost"
8. "Coin Lost"
9. "Credit/Debit Lost"
10. "Other"
i. "Comments"
j. "SIGN HERE" (The customer or the person
completing the unshaded portion of the form.)
k. "Date Signed." (Date that the person signed the
unshaded portion of the form.)
812.2 Sales and Services Associate (SSA) or Other
Employee Providing Refund Completes "For
Postal Service Use" Shaded Portion
a. "Paid by" (Printed name of Postal Service employee
making the payment.)
b. "Date" (Date that the payment is made to the
c. "Action Taken"
1. "Paid"
2. "Not Paid"
3. "Cash"
d. "Call Date" (Date that the call was made for approval
of the refund.)
e. "Call Time" (Time that the call was made for approval
of the refund.)
f. "Amount Paid" (Limit is $40.)
g. "Supervisor Initials" (Required for amounts more than
h. "Sales and Services Associate Signature"
i. "Vending Employee Signature"
82 Refunding Money to Customers
[Revise 82 as follows:]
Vending refunds are made in cash. If a vending refund is to
be mailed, a no-fee postal money order must be used.
821 Complaints Registered in Person
821.1 Acceptance
[Revise 821.1 as follows:]
An SSA may accept complaints from customers and pay
refunds involving no-vend claims, unless the servicing person is available. Prior to resolution, the SSA or supervisor
verifies the complaint by the following procedures:
a. Accompanies the customer to the self service vending machine.
b. Examines for:
(1) Items caught in the dispensing area of the
(2) Customer not understanding correct machine
821.2 Resolution
[Revise the heading and text of 821.21 as follows:]
821.21 By Sales and Services Associate (SSA)
If the machine is not functioning properly, the SSA performs
the following procedures:
a. Place Label 6, Vending Equipment Out of Order, on
the malfunctioning machine.
b. Immediately notify the vending servicing employee
or the supervisor.
c. Ask the customer to fill out the unshaded portion of
PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine Refund
Request (see 811).
d. Review PS Form 5445 for completeness of customer
information including the customer's signature.
e. Complete the shaded portion of PS Form 5445 ("For
Postal Service Use") filling in his or her name, the
date, and the action taken. Include the amount paid.
Sign the form where indicated. Obtain the supervisor's initialed approval for refunds of more than $20.
f. Reimburse the customer's loss with cash. If the
customer wants to purchase a product, process and
record that as a separate transaction after the cash
refund transaction is completed.
Note: A supervisor must approve refunds of more
than $20.00.
g. Give sheet 2 (customer copy) to the customer as a
vending refund receipt.
h. Retain the original (sales and services
associate/vending employee copy) to use as a
receipt to the vending service employee for their
reimbursement of the SSA credit after the SSA has
paid a vending refund. In this situation the SSA will
retain the original PS Form 5445 in their cash credit
until reimbursement by a vending servicing
employee. The SSA will increase their cash retained
by the collective amount of all PS Forms 5445 until
vending servicing employee reimbursement occurs.
i. Exchange PS Form 5445 (original copy) for cash with
the vending servicing employee.
[Revise heading and text of 821.22 as follows:]
821.22 By Vending Servicing Employee
The vending servicing employee resolves the complaint as
a. If the no-vend complaint is verified, issue a refund to
the customer. That refund will be in cash. If the
customer wants to purchase a product, process and
record that as a separate transaction after
completing the cash refund transaction.
b. If the no-vend complaint cannot be verified, follow
these procedures:
(1) Ask the customer to fill out the unshaded portion
of PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine
Refund Request (see 811).
(2) Review PS Form 5445 for completeness of
customer information including the customer's
(3) Complete the shaded portion of PS Form 5445
("For Postal Service Use") filling in employee
name, the date, and the action taken. Include the
amount paid. Sign the form where indicated.
(4) Reimburse the customer's loss with cash. If the
customer wants to purchase a product, process
and record that as a separate transaction after
completing the cash refund transaction.
(5) Forward sheet 2 (Customer Copy) to the customer as a vending refund receipt.
(6) Retain the original (sales and services
associate/vending employee copy) as a record
of the transaction for future credit examinations.
822 Complaints Registered by Telephone
822.1 Acceptance
[Revise 822.1 as follows:]
The employee accepting the complaint does the following:
a. Record the complaint on the unshaded portion of PS
Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine Refund
Request (see 811).
b. Inform the customer that a refund will be mailed after
the vending servicing employee processes the
request for a refund.
c. Forward both copies of PS Form 5445 to the vending
servicing employee for payment to the customer.
822.2 Resolution
[Revise 822.2 as follows:]
Upon receipt of PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine
Refund Request, the vending servicing employee follows
these procedures:
a. Fill out and sign the shaded portion of PS Form 5445
("For Postal Service Use").
b. Dispatch the vending refund using a no-fee postal
money order, together with sheet 2 (customer copy)
of PS Form 5445, the next regular mail delivery day.
c. Retain the original (sales and services
associate/vending employee copy) for inclusion in
the credit examination.
d. Investigate the complaint as soon as possible.
823 Complaints Registered by Mail
823.1 Acceptance
[Revise 823.1 as follows:]
The employee accepting the complaint sent in the mail
does the following:
a. Complete the unshaded portion of PS Form 5445,
Stamp Vending Machine Refund Request ("For Postal Service Use") (see 811).
b. Forward both copies of PS Form 5445 to the vending
servicing employee for payment to the customer.
823.2 Resolution
823.21 By Servicing Person
[Revise 823.21 as follows:]
Upon receipt of PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine
Refund Request, the vending servicing employee will follow
these procedures:
a. Fill out and sign the shaded portion of PS Form 5445
("For Postal Service Use").
b. Dispatch the vending refund using a no-fee postal
money order, together with sheet 2 (customer copy)
of PS Form 5445, the next regular mail delivery day.
c. Retain the original (sales and services
associate/vending employee copy) for inclusion in
the credit examination.
d. Investigate the complaint as soon as possible.
823.22 By Postmaster or Designee
The postmaster or designee may answer a written complaint by telephone or in writing. If the complaint requires a
refund, the written response may include the refund.
* * * * *
83 Resolving Other Complaints
[Revise 83 as follows:]
The vending servicing employee must resolve all other
complaints regarding self service vending equipment. For
such complaints, including selection varieties, types of
vending equipment, cleanliness of equipment, etc., vending
servicing personnel must bring any action required for resolution to the attention of the supervisor for appropriate
[Delete 84.]
[Renumber existing 85 as new 84. Revise text of new 84 as
84 Retaining Complaint Records
The vending servicing person retains the completed
originals (sales and services associate/vending employee
copy) of the PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine
Refund Request, for the credit examination. The forms are
attached to the credit examinations and retained for a period of 2 years.
[Delete 86.]
* * * * *
Exhibit 811 - PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine Refund Request
Handbook PO-208, Retail Operations - Focus
on Retail
* * * * *
5 Unit Performance
51 Voice of the Customer - Measuring Quality
of Service
* * * * *
512 Evaluation
* * * * *
[Revise item c as follows:]
c. PS Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know.
[Delete item d. Reletter existing items e-g as new items
[Replace the headings and text of 53 with the following:]
53 Consumer Service Notice
531 General
The We Want To Know (WWTK) program uses Notice
4314-C, We Want To Know. That replaces PS Form
4314-C, Consumer Service Card, and can be used by a
customer to make suggestions, request information,
convey compliments, or report problems. A supply of those
forms should be available in your lobbies for your
customers. Customers use the WWTK program by
appearing in person at the Post Office, calling
800-ASK-USPS, or visiting www.usps.com. You may
request a report representing the information gleaned from
the use of the WWTK program from your District Consumer
Affairs manager at the end of every postal quarter.
* * * * *
6 Customer Focus
* * * * *
62 Consumer Affairs
* * * * *
[Replace the headings and text of 623 with the following:]
623 Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know
623.1 General
Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know, is for customers to
report suggestions, information requests, problems, or
compliments to the Postal Service by speaking to
management staff in person, calling 800-ASK-USPS, or
visiting www.usps.com.
* * * * *
65 Refunds
651 Self Service Vending
[Revise 651 as follows:]
When a self service vending machine malfunctions or
denies a customer a cash return or product purchase, the
vending servicing employee and the sales and services
associate will follow these procedures:
a. If the no-vend complaint is verified, issues a refund to
the customer. The refund will be in cash. If the
customer wants to purchase a product, process and
record that as a separate transaction after
completing the cash refund transaction.
b. If the no-vend complaint cannot be verified, the
vending servicing employee will:
1. Ask the customer to complete the nonshaded
portion of PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine
Refund Request.
2. Review PS Form 5445 to ensure all information is
complete, including the customer's signature.
3. Complete the shaded portion of PS Form 5445
("For Postal Service Use"). Complete employee
name, date, the action taken, and the amount paid
and sign the form.
4. Reimburse the customer with cash. If the
customer wants to purchase a product, process
and record that as a separate transaction after
completing the cash refund transaction.
5. Give sheet 2 (customer copy) to the customer as a
vending refund receipt.
6. Retain the original (sales and services associate/vending employee copy) as a record of the transaction for future credit examinations.
c. A sales and services associate may accept
complaints from customers and pay cash refunds
involving no-vend claims if the servicing person is not
available. In that situation the sales and services
associate retains the original PS Form 5445 in the
cash credit until a vending servicing employee can
reimburse. The sales and services associate will
increase the cash retained by the collective amount
of all PS Forms 5445 until a vending servicing
employee can reimburse.
d. If a customer experiences a malfunction in operating
a vending machine, a sales and services associate
will follow these procedures:
1. Accompany the customer to the self service vending machine and examines for items caught in the
dispensing area of the machine.
2. Determine if the customer understands the correct
machine operation.
3. If the machine is not functioning properly, place
Label 6, Vending Equipment out of Order, on the
malfunctioning machine.
4. Immediately notify the vending servicing
employee or supervisor.
5. Follow steps 1 through 6 above to reimburse the
For more on self service vending refunds, see Handbook
PO-102, Self Service Vending Operational and Marketing
Program, Chapter 8, Handling Customer Complaints,
Claims, and Refunds.
* * * * *
7 Lobby Management
74 Retail Products and Services
* * * * *
741 Forms/Labels
* * * * *
[Revise item e as follows:]
e. Notice 4314-C, We Want To Know
[Revise item f as follows:]
f. PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine Refund
* * * * *
Handbook PO-250, Consumer Answer Book
* * * * *
5 General Information
* * * * *
[Replace the heading and text of 5-6 with the following:]
5-6 Notice 4314-C, We Want to Know
Effective April 2002, Notice 4314-C, We Want to Know, replaces PS Form 4314-C, Consumer Service Card. Notice
4314-C makes it easier for our customers to reach the
Postal Service and move away from a manual to an electronic capture of customer complaint data. It promotes
three primary methods for contacting the Postal Service:
(1) speaking in person, (2) calling 800-ASK-USPS, and
(3) visiting www.usps.com.
Postmasters and station and branch managers should follow instructions in Postal Bulletin 22073 (4-4-02), which
describe the process. However, each employee plays an
important role in the success of this program. As the first
point of contact, you have the opportunity to assist our customers with concerns. If you need help with a customer's
concern, consult postmaster/management staff or make
them available to the customer. Should a customer want to
escalate his or her matter to a higher level, provide the
number to the local consumer affairs office for further
* * * * *
Publication 211, FCPC Self-Service Guide
* * * * *
* * * * *
5-5 When You Reimburse Customers
Listed below are the procedures for the vending servicing
employee and the sales and services associate to follow if
a phone card does not vend:
a. If the no-vend complaint is verified, issue a refund to
the customer. The refund will be in cash. If the customer wants to purchase a product, process and
record that as a separate transaction after
completing the cash refund transaction.
b. If the no-vend complaint cannot be verified:
1. Ask the customer to fill out the nonshaded portion
of PS Form 5445, Stamp Vending Machine
Refund Request (see Handbook PO-102, Self
Service Vending Operational and Marketing
Program, Chapter. 8, Handling Customer
Complaints, Claims, and Refunds).
2. Review PS Form 5445 to ensure all information is
complete, including the customer's signature.
3. Complete the shaded portion of PS Form 5445
("For Postal Service Use"). Fill in name, date,
action taken, and amount paid, and sign the form.
4. Reimburse the customer with cash. If the
customer wants to purchase a product, process
and record that as a separate transaction after
completing the cash refund transaction.
5. Give sheet 2 (customer copy) to the customer as a
vending refund receipt.
6. Retain the original (sales and services associate/vending employee copy) as a record of the
transaction for future account examinations.
c. Claims for phone card refunds can be made only in
person. Do not accept phone requests for refunds.
d. A sales and services associate may accept
complaints from customers and pay refunds involving
no-vend claims if the servicing person is not
available. In that situation the sales and services
associate will retain the original PS Form 5445 in the
cash credit until the vending servicing employee can
reimburse. The sales and services associate will
increase the cash retained by the collective amount
of all PS Forms 5445 until the vending servicing
employee can reimburse.
e. Listed below are procedures that a sales and
services associate should follow if a customer wishes
to return a phone card that was purchased by
mistake from a vending machine (i.e., an incorrect
product) or if the machine is not functioning properly:
1. Accompany the customer to the self service
vending machine and examine for items caught in
the dispensing area of the machine.
2. Determine if the customer understands the correct
machine operation.
3. If the machine is not functioning properly, place
Label 6, Vending Equipment Out Of Order, on the
malfunctioning machine.
4. Immediately notify the vending servicing
employee or your supervisor.
5. Follow steps 1 through 6 above to reimburse the
For more on self service vending refunds, see Handbook
PO-102, Self Service Vending Operational and Marketing
Program, Chapter 8, Handling Customer Complaints,
Claims, and Refunds.
* * * * *
7 Questions and Answers
* * * * *
Q: Can customers get a refund for FIRSTCLASS
A: Yes - If they purchase an incorrect product from a
machine they can get a refund by filling out a PS Form
5445, Stamp Vending Machine Refund Request, provided
by either the vending servicing employee if available, or a
sales and services associate at the retail window.
* * * * *
- Consumer Affairs Operations,
Consumer Advocate, 4-4-02