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EQUIP Environmental Management Policy QUick Information Page

Do You Have Hazardous Material Storage Spill Containment?

Here is what you need to do...

•Make sure outdoor hazardous waste storage areas . have secondary containment

•Make sure above ground storage tanks storing products and wastes have secondary containment

•Provide secondary containment to prevent any spill of hazardous materials from causing harm to the environment

•secondary containment devices include double-walled tanks with spill and overfill protection, dikes, berms, retaining walls, curbing, spill diversion ponds and sumps

•Make sure secondary containment is large enough to hold 10% of the total volume of all containers, or 110% of the volume of the largest container, whichever is larger

Any hazardous material or chemical spillage that may occur must be promptly controlled and cleaned up by following your facility specific hazardous material spill SOP and by trained personnel.

For additional information, contact your immediate supervisor or visit the environmental web page (

For assistance with training, contact NCED environmental support team at 405 366-4890.

Poster 166, November 2001